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What is a synonym for Quire?

What is a synonym for Quire?

nounsheaf of papers that are connected. book. folder. memo pad. notebook.

What is a homonym do?

The homophones for the word ‘do’ are ‘due’ and ‘dew. ‘ Each of these words sounds exactly the same, although they’re spelled differently.

What are the 3 homonyms?

Multinyms Triple/Quadruple/Quintuple/Sextuple Homonyms

  • ade, aid, aide.
  • aisle, I’ll, isle.
  • ait, ate, eight.
  • aye, eye, I.
  • axel, axil, axle.
  • bald, balled, bawled.
  • bases, basis, basses. (distinguishable in careful speech.)
  • beau, bo, bow.

What are 5 examples of homonyms?

Homonym Examples

Homonym Meaning 1 Meaning 2
band a musical group a ring
bark a tree’s out layer the sound a dog makes
bat an implement used to hit a ball a nocturnal flying mammal
bright very smart or intelligent filled with light

How do you use Quire in a sentence?

Quire sentence example It was common Anglo-Saxon practice to form a quire from four sheets of parchment – folded to make eight leaves. This codex of the letters of Paul was made out of one single quire . It has a romanesque crypt, twelfth century quire and thirteenth century stained glass windows.

Which word is pronounced the same as dough?

Doh, doe and dough are three words that are pronounced in the same manner but are spelled differently and have different meanings. This makes them homophones.

What is the difference between due and do?

Do is always a verb. It can be a main verb, meaning to complete or perform a task or a helping verb used to form questions or negative statements. Due can act as an adjective, noun, or adverb that means owed at a certain time, something which is owed, or directly.

What are 10 examples of homonyms?

Homonym Examples

Homonym Homograph or Homophone Meanings
ring both To call someone on the phone / A band on a finger
right both Correct / Opposite of left
rose both To have got up / A type of flower
spring both A season / Coiled metal

What are 2 words that sound the same?

What Is a Homophone? As mentioned above, sets of words like “you’re” and “your” are called homophones. The root of that word, homo-, means “same,” and the root phone- means “sound.” Homophones are two words that sound the same, but have different meanings.

What are the 5 examples of antonyms?

Antonym Examples

Achieve – Fail Giant – Dwarf Random – Specific
Arrive – Depart Innocent – Guilty Simple – Complicated
Arrogant – Humble Knowledge – Ignorance Single – Married
Attack – Defend Liquid – Solid Sunny – Cloudy
Blunt – Sharp Marvelous – Terrible Timid – Bold

What are homonyms and give examples?

Homonym Examples

Homonym Homograph or Homophone Meanings
kind both A type of something / Caring
ring both To call someone on the phone / A band on a finger
right both Correct / Opposite of left
rose both To have got up / A type of flower

What does queried mean?

queried; querying. Definition of query (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to ask questions of especially with a desire for authoritative information. 2 : to ask questions about especially in order to resolve a doubt.