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What are the social problem in Sierra Leone?

What are the social problem in Sierra Leone?

Sierra Leone has been a nation plagued with civil wars and poverty since gaining independence in 1961. Despite being one of the few countries in the world that has precious natural resources such as diamonds and rare minerals, this nation continues to suffer from extreme poverty.

What is the significance of the Poro society?

…the hands of the secret poro society. Membership in the poro is necessary for anyone in a position of authority. In addition to enforcing Mende law, the poro and other secret societies educate boys and girls, regulate sexual conduct, and concern themselves with agricultural fertility and military training; men masked…

What is Bondo society in Sierra Leone?

Bondo Society is a secretive tradition of women in Sierra Leone that is steeped in mythology, but it has the genital mutilation of young girls and women as a central pillar. Even talking about the Society, women believe, puts them at risk of ‘curses’ and ‘demons’.

What is Sierra Leone culture?

Sierra Leone’s culture is a diverse blend influenced by the large amount of different ethnic groups inhabiting the country. The people of Sierra Leone are well known for their friendliness and hospitality, with a relaxed pace on life.

How is the economy in Sierra Leone?

Sierra Leone has a largely traditional economy in which the majority of the population engages in subsistence agriculture, and direct government involvement in economic activity limits private sector development. Sierra Leone is a member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

Why is Sierra Leone’s economy struggling?

Sierra Leone remains extremely poor, and much of the population depends on subsistence agriculture. Political instability has hindered development of Sierra Leone’s substantial mineral, agricultural, and fishery resources.

What does Poro mean?


Acronym Definition
PORO Proof of Record Ownership
PORO Plain Old Ruby Object
PORO Provincial Organization of Records Officers (Newfoundland, Canada)
PORO Power Outage Restart Option

What is Bondo in Africa?

The bondo society is an all-female society (also known as the sande) in West Africa. The purpose of this secret society is to help young women earn the rites of passage into adulthood. In order, to receive these rites of passage, a girl must undergo their cultural rituals including FGM.

Is FGM practiced in Sierra Leone?

Sierra Leone is one of the world’s worst offenders for FGM – 90% of women are subjected to the practice. FGM, sometimes known as ‘cutting’, involves removing all or part of the external genitalia for non-medical reasons.

Which tribe is the most educated in Sierra Leone?

The Krio have traditionally dominated Sierra Leone’s judiciary and Freetown’s elected city council. One of the first ethnic groups to become educated according to Western traditions, they have traditionally been appointed to positions in the civil service, beginning during the colonial years.

What kind of food do they eat in Sierra Leone?

Stews are a fundamental part of Sierra Leone’s cuisine, with cassava leaves having been called the country’s national dish. Stew is often served with jollof rice, white rice or snacks such as plantain, akara, yam or cassava.

Who is the richest man in Sierra Leone 2019?

Richest People in Sierra Leone

  • $192 Billion. Elon Musk is a South African-born Canadian-American businessman, inventor and investor.
  • $190 Billion. Jeff Bezos is an American philanthropist, businessman and space explorerer.
  • $164 Billion.
  • $151 Billion.
  • $135 Billion.
  • $125 Billion.
  • $121 Billion.
  • $70 Billion.

What was the role of secret societies in Sierra Leone?

Since the pre-colonial era secret societies have played a dominant role in the politics of African societies including Sierra Leone , but over the decades they have become so powerful that they have gone to the extreme point of becoming dangerous.

How many children were involved in the Sierra Leone war?

It’s estimated that over 5000 children fought in Sierra Leone’s civil war, but the figure could be as high as 10,000. One rebel group admitted in late 1999 that 30% of its combatants were minors. The children tell horrifying stories about how the war affected them.

Why are the Poro secret societies under fire?

One of the reasons poro men have become hypersensitive to criticism is the onslaught on their counterpart female secret society the Bondo which is currently under fire by those who campaign against Female Genital Mutilation something which was a taboo in the past. No human being ever thought of talking openly about Female Genital Mutilation.