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What are the two forces that balance out a star when it is in stellar equilibrium?

What are the two forces that balance out a star when it is in stellar equilibrium?

Stars live out their lives in an exquisitely detailed equilibrium, or balance, between two powerful forces — outward pressure and the inward pull of gravity. The gravity force is a property of the mass of the star, and in order to support itself against gravity the star generates energy in its core.

What forces are balanced when a star is in equilibrium?

You can imagine a star as a series of layers. The inward force of gravity is balanced out by the outward force of pressure to keep the star stable. This stable balance, the outward pressure of hot gases balancing the inward pull of gravity is called the hydrostatic equilibrium.

Why is stellar equilibrium important?

This shell helps move heat from the core of the star to the surface of the star where energy in the form of light and heat is released into space. The star’s main goal in life is to achieve stability, or equilibrium. The term equilibrium does not mean that there isn’t any change in the star.

How is stellar equilibrium achieved?

When gravity makes the core of a star so hot and dense that nuclear fusion commences, that pressure balances gravity and establishes equilibrium.

What happens to a star when it can no longer maintain equilibrium?

Once a star has exhausted its supply of hydrogen in its core, leaving nothing but helium, the outward force created by fusion starts to decrease and the star can no longer maintain equilibrium. The force of gravity becomes greater than the force from internal pressure and the star begins to collapse.

What is the star life cycle that is accurate?

The correct life cycle is: Star of one stellar mass, red giant, white dwarf, planetary nebula.

What happens as a star ages and leaves the main sequence?

When the stars go out Eventually, a main sequence star burns through the hydrogen in its core, reaching the end of its life cycle. At this point, it leaves the main sequence. Then the pressure of fusion provides an outward thrust that expands the star several times larger than its original size, forming a red giant.

What happens when all the hydrogen in a star is gone?

Eventually the core of the star runs out of hydrogen. When that happens, the star can no longer hold up against gravity. Its inner layers start to collapse, which squishes the core, increasing the pressure and temperature in the core of the star. At this point the star is called a red giant.

What are the 5 stages of a star?

What are the 5 stages of a star?

  • A nebula. A star forms from massive clouds of dust and gas in space, also known as a nebula.
  • Protostar. As the mass falls together it gets hot.
  • Main sequence star.
  • Red giant star.
  • White dwarf.
  • Supernova.
  • Neutron star or black hole.

What happens when a star is in stellar equilibrium?

Stellar equilibrium is also known as hydrostatic equilibrium. A star is in equilibrium when the pressures inside the star balance out the force of gravity. The pressure is thermal pressure resulting from the fusion reactions taking place in the star’s core.

Which is the most fundamental equation of stellar structure?

This (top) equation is one of the fundamental equations of stellar structure. It is called the “equation of hydrostatic equilibrium”. Whenever dP/dr differs from this value, matter moves. Proof of Central Pressure Equation

How does nuclear fusion work in a star?

Once a star reaches equilibrium for the first time, it will start burning (fusing) hydrogen into helium. This 5-step process works like this: Nuclear fusion. Gravity = gas pressure (equilibrium) Out of fuel. Fusion stops, temperature drops.

How is the weight of matter supported inside a star?

Inside a star the weight of the matter is supported by a gradientin the pressure. If the pressure on the top and bottom of a layer were exactly the same, the layer would fall because of its weight. The difference between pressure times area on the top and the bottom balances the weight