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Why was the Earl of Shaftesbury famous?

Why was the Earl of Shaftesbury famous?

Lord Ashley’s most important and most famous work was conducted as a member of Parliament between 1832 and 1850. He was the leader of the struggle for statutory intervention in the hours and working conditions of children in English textile mills and also of women and children employed in mines.

What did Lord Shaftesbury become interested in?

Other social issues that interested the Earl of Shaftesbury included the provision of working class education and was chairman of the Ragged Schools Union for over forty years. Later that year Lord Ashley helped set up the Children’s Employment Commission. Its first report on mines and collieries was published in 1842.

Is Lord Shaftesbury still alive?

Deceased (1801–1885)
Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury/Living or Deceased

What was Lord Shaftesbury job?

Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury/Professions

How did Lord Shaftesbury help the poor?

Lord Shaftesbury was president of the Ragged School Union, which promoted the education of poor children. He believed that children were to be treated and educated well. Lord Shaftesbury believed education was a way of freeing children from poverty. Ragged Schools gave poor children some education for the first time.

What did Anthony Ashley Cooper do?

From 1660 to 1673 he held office under Charles II, becoming Baron Ashley in 1661 and earl of Shaftesbury in 1672. In 1673 he supported the first Test Act, designed to exclude Catholics from office, and opposed the marriage of the king’s brother and heir, James, duke of York, a Catholic, to another Catholic.

Why did Lord Shaftesbury help the poor?

Why were children working in the mines?

Factory and mine owners preferred child labor also because they perceived the child workers’ smaller size as an advantage. In textile factories, children were desired because of their supposed “nimble fingers,” while low and narrow mine galleries made children particularly effective mine workers.

What happened to the 11th Earl of Shaftesbury?

The 11th Earl of Shaftesbury died suddenly and unexpectedly on 15 May in New York. He suffered a heart attack, although the precise cause of death has not yet been identified and the coroner’s study is ongoing.

Who owns St Giles House?

Nicholas Ashley-Cooper
It is the ancestral seat of the Ashley-Cooper family, which is headed by the Earl of Shaftesbury. The estate covers over 5,500 acres (22 km2)….St Giles House, Wimborne St Giles.

St Giles House
Owner Nicholas Ashley-Cooper, 12th Earl of Shaftesbury
Design and construction
Architect style influenced by Inigo Jones

Who is Lord Shaftesbury for kids?

Shaftesbury was president of the Ragged School Union, promoting the education of poor children. Lord Shaftesbury was married to Lady Emily Caroline Catherine Frances Cowper. They had ten children. He died on 1st October 1885.

Why were ragged schools set up?

Ragged schools were intended for society’s most destitute children. The London Ragged School Union was established in April 1844 to combine resources in the city, providing free education, food, clothing, lodging and other home missionary services for poor children.

Who was Lord Shaftesbury and what did he do?

Lord Shaftesbury was a Christian and a reformer, shunning high office to work tirelessly, improving the lives of the poor. Anthony Ashley-Cooper, the 7th Earl of Shaftesbury, was a politician, philanthropist and social and industrial reformer in 19th century England.

Who was the 7th Earl of Shaftesbury when he was born?

Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury was born on 28th April 1801 at 24 Grosvenor Square, London. Until his father’s death in 1851, he was known as Lord Ashley. Lord Ashley didn’t have a very happy childhood.

What did Maria Mills do for Lord Shaftesbury?

He did get on well with the housekeeper, Maria Mills. She used to tell him stories from the Bible to cheer him up when he was unhappy. Shaftesbury was a pupil at Harrow School and then he studied classics at Christ Church College, Oxford. In 1826 Shaftesbury became a Tory Member of Parliament.

When did John Toland publish the Shaftesbury inquiry?

In 1699, John Toland published an early version of Shaftesbury’s Inquiry concerning Virtue or Merit. Shaftesbury renounced this version of the Inquiry, claiming that it was produced without his authorization, although the details of the episode are unclear.