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What does the word part mono mean?

What does the word part mono mean?

one, only
mono- A prefix that means “one, only, single,” as in monochromatic, having only one color. It is often found in chemical names where it means “containing just one” of the specified atom or group, as in carbon monoxide, which is carbon attached to a single oxygen atom.

What does the root anthro mean questions?

Meaning of root word “anthro” Greek root word meaning “human” Latin root word meaning “human”

What is the Greek term that refers to human?

Anthropo- comes from the Greek ánthrōpos, meaning “human being” or “man.”

What is the Greek root for Anthropo?

The Greek root word anthrop means “human.” This Greek word root is the origin of a number of English vocabulary words, including anthropology and anthropomorphic.

What is the word for mono?

mono-, prefix. mono- comes from Greek, where it has the meaning “one, single, lone. ” This meaning is found in such words as: monarch, monastery, monochrome, monocle, monogamy, monogram, monograph, monolingual, monolith, monologue, mononucleosis, monopoly, monorail, monosyllable, monotonous.

What two words can be used interchangeably?

“In spite of” and “despite” mean the same thing and can be interchangeably used in your sentences….The same applies for things like:

  • arise, arose, arisen.
  • begin, began, begun.
  • ring, rang, rung.
  • sink, sank, sunk.
  • withdraw, withdrew, withdrawn.
  • shrink, shrank, shrunk.

What words have the root anti?

Words Based on the Anti Root Word

  • Antidote: medicine against poison.
  • Antibiotic: medicine against bacteria.
  • Antifreeze: a liquid used in machines to avoid freezing.
  • Antiperspirant: a product which is against perspiration.
  • Antisocial: opposing being social.
  • Antacid: medicine against acidity in stomach.

What words have the root Aqua?

Words based on the Aqua Root Word

  • Aquaculture: The cultivation of aquatic plants and breeding of aquatic animals for food.
  • Aquarium: Small tank that houses aquatic animals.
  • Aqueous: Similar or related to water.
  • Aquatic: Growing or living in water.
  • Aquifers: Bed rocks that holds ground water.

What does Poiesis mean in Greek?

making, formation
a combining form meaning “making, formation,” used in the formation of compound words: hematopoiesis.

What is the Greek word for happiness?

Eudaimonia (Greek: εὐδαιμονία [eu̯dai̯moníaː]; sometimes anglicized as eudaemonia or eudemonia, /juːdɪˈmoʊniə/) is a Greek word literally translating to the state or condition of ‘good spirit’, and which is commonly translated as ‘happiness’ or ‘welfare’. As a result, there are many varieties of eudaimonism.

What does the root Anth mean?

Anth- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “flower.” It appears in some medical and scientific terms, especially in botany.

What does the root logy mean?

-logy is a suffix in the English language, used with words originally adapted from Ancient Greek ending in -λογία (-logia). The suffix has the sense of “the character or deportment of one who speaks or treats of [a certain subject]”, or more succinctly, “the study of [a certain subject]”.

What is the meaning of the term Anthro?

…from Wikipedia: Anthro: a synonym for anthropomorphism in the furry fandom. Anthropomorphism is the attribution of uniquely human characteristics and qualities to nonhuman beings, inanimate objects, or natural or supernatural phenomena (…)

What kind of animal is not an Anthro?

This furry classification term is very strict and does not include all animals that are humanoid or human-like. For example; Apes are humanoid animals, but are not anthros. Even an ape with a completely humanoid body shape is not an anthro as they wouldn’t be that far off from feral apes on the spectrum.

What is anthro art in the furry fandom?

Anthro: a synonym for anthropomorphism in the furry fandom. Anthropomorphism is the attribution of uniquely human characteristics and qualities to nonhuman beings, inanimate objects, or natural or supernatural phenomena (…) Anthro Art and may be any fictional work that employs the concept of animal characters with human characteristics.

Is there such a thing as an Anthro ape?

For example; Apes are humanoid animals, but are not anthros. Even an ape with a completely humanoid body shape is not an anthro as they wouldn’t be that far off from feral apes on the spectrum. Rather, an anthro ape would literally be a human.