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What number reed should I use?

What number reed should I use?

The normal range for reeds is 2 to 5: the lower the number, the thinner the reed, and the higher the number, the thicker the reed. The thickness of the reed will affect the tone and how easy or difficult the instrument is to play. In general, a thinner reed, say 2 or 2.5, will have a brighter tone.

What strength reed should I get?

Most teachers recommend that a first-year musician use a 2 or 2.5 (soft or medium soft) reed. Anything stiffer may make it difficult to produce a sound while anything more flexible may produce a weak sound. Your teacher should let you know when it is time to switch to a different strength reed.

How do you measure Reed strength?

Some manufacturers label strength with words instead, rating it “soft,” “medium” or “hard.” The standard scale for saxophone reed strength runs from 1 through 5, with 1 being the softest and 5 being the hardest reed. If you’re a beginner, it’s best to start with a softer reed, usually about a 2.

Are Meyer mouthpieces good?

The Meyer Brothers mouthpieces are also known for having a very good quality hard rubber compound that produces a very rich sound.

When should I move up a reed size?

Recognize the signs. Move up if it’s hard to get a warm sound on the high notes or the pitch is flat. Move down if the sound is stuffy and articulation isn’t clean. Reed strength needs to match the mouthpiece you’re playing on.

How do I know if my reed is too hard?

If you play on a reed that requires a lot of air, and you get a muffled tone, it’s probably too hard. People compare it to playing on tree bark. In this case, try a lower reed strength. If you’re playing on a 3, then move down to 2.5.

Are harder reeds better?

Harder reeds allow for a louder, heavier, darker, or fuller sound, but they require strong support and a developed embouchure (mouth muscles). With a softer reed, playing softly is easier. A soft reed speaks (produces a sound) more easily and gives a bright, transparent sound.

What strength should a beginner reed be?

For beginners it is generally recommended to start with a 2. If a beginner would start with a 1 or 1 1/2 reed, there may be some difficulty with playing very many notes because the reed is too weak to support the playing. Please keep in mind, the strengths could be different from brand to brand.

What mouthpiece did Cannonball Adderley use?

Meyer NY ebonite
Cannonball Adderley Cannonball played a Meyer NY ebonite mouthpiece, with a number 5 tip opening and a medium chamber.

What is a sax mouthpiece?

On single-reed instruments, such as the clarinet and saxophone, the mouthpiece is that part to which the reed is attached. Its function is to provide an opening through which air enters the instrument and one end of an air chamber to be set into vibration by the interaction between the air stream and the reed.

Should I go down a reed size?

Recap: when to move up a reed size If it takes too little embouchure effort to make a sound and the tone is edgy and bright, try a harder strength reed. The different reed brands and styles don’t match in reed strength. If you change the type of reeds you’re playing on, you may need to go up or down in strength.

What to do if a reed is too hard?

If the reed is too hard or if the sound is too dull, move your ligature down and your reed up slightly. This makes it easier for the reed to vibrate against the mouthpiece. If the reed is too soft or if the sound is too edgy, move the tip of the reed up slightly and then move the ligature down a little bit.

What’s the difference between a Meyer 5m and 6m mouthpiece?

After a bit of research, I decided to think about purchasing a Meyer mouthpiece, a 5M or a 6M. Does anybody know the difference between these two? I know the tip opening of 6M is 0.01 larger than 5M though, which produces brighter sound.

What kind of mouthpiece does Meyers New York have?

The most sought after of the Meyer mouthpieces is the Meyer Bros. New York model. These had a fat body and came in a small, medium, and large chamber. The small chambers were very bright, and the large chambers were very dark.

Which is better a 5m or 6m piece?

You’ll find that they are marked for tip opening/length of lay, and chamber size. If you go with a 5M/6M, the medium chamber is good, so look for 6MM. For players that prefer a slightly larger tip opening, the smaller chamber gives the necessary balance, try the 7MS in that instance.

What’s the difference between a medium and large mouthpiece?

The below left mouthpiece is the medium chamber model and the right mouthpiece is the large chamber model. The back of the chamber on both of these is the same size as the bore. The difference is in the height of the floor and the width between the two side walls inside the mouthpiece.