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What is the SL100 transistor?

What is the SL100 transistor?

SL100 is a general purpose low power transistor. It can be used for the various application like switching circuits, amplifying circuits, and manufacturing of the logic gates etc. Generally available in TO-39 package in the market.

What is the working principle of NPN transistor?

The NPN transistor amplifies the weak signal enter into the base and produces strong amplify signals at the collector end. In NPN transistor, the direction of movement of an electron is from the emitter to collector region due to which the current constitutes in the transistor.

What is the work of an transistor?

A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power. Transistors are one of the basic building blocks of modern electronics. It is composed of semiconductor material usually with at least three terminals for connection to an external circuit.

How does an emitter work?

The emitter supplies electrons. The base pulls these electrons from the emitter because it has a more positive voltage than does the emitter. This movement of electrons creates a flow of electricity through the transistor. The current passes from the emitter to the collector through the base.

Is SL100 a PNP transistor?

An NPN transistor consists of layer of p-doped semiconductor between two n-doped layers. Whereas a PNP transistor consists of n-doped semiconductor between two p-doped layers. The most common example in usage being the SL100 transistor. Sl100 transistor is a general purpose, medium power NPN transistor.

How do PNP transistor?

The PNP transistor is a type of transistor in which one n-type material is doped with two p-type materials. When a small current flow through the base of the PNP transistor, it turns on. The current in a PNP transistor flows from the emitter to the collector.

What is the symbol of PNP transistor?

Symbol of PNP Transistor: The PNP Transistor is denoted by the letters PNP. In the diagram below, the symbol for a PNP transistor is depicted. In a PNP transistor, the current flows from the emitter to the collector, as shown by the inward arrow.

What is transistor with diagram?

Diagram ‘A’ shows an NPN transistor which is often used as a type of switch. A small current or voltage at the base allows a larger voltage to flow through the other two leads (from the collector to the emitter). The circuit shown in diagram B is based on an NPN transistor.

What are the 2 types of transistors?

Transistors typically fall into two main types depending on their construction. These two types are bipolar junction transistors (BJT) and Field Effect Transistors (FET).

What is PNP transistor?

The PNP transistor is a type of transistor in which one n-type material is doped with two p-type materials. It is a device that is controlled by the current. Both the emitter and collector currents were controlled by the small amount of base current. Two crystal diodes are connected back-to-back in the PNP transistor.

What is PNP and NPN transistor?

NPN and PNP refer to the arrangement of the pieces that make up the transister. An NPN transistor has a piece of P-type silicon (the base) sandwiched between two pieces of N-type (the collector and emitter). In a PNP transistor, the type of the layers are reversed. Below is a typical cross section of a transistor.

What are the 3 parts of a transistor?

There are typically three electrical leads in a transistor, called the emitter, the collector, and the base—or, in modern switching applications, the source, the drain, and the gate.

What are the uses of a SL100 transistor?

Being a general purpose transistor makes the SL100 transistor open to a wide spectrum of electronic applications. Major applications range from general switching, manufacture of logic gates, amplification and sound reproduction, radio transmission and signal processing.

Is the SL100 buzzer in a plastic case?

The SL100 is also in a metal can, so probably has a lower thermal resistance junction/ambient than plastic case types. As the impedance of the buzzer is unknown it is not possible to say whether a lesser transitor will be OK.

What are the specifications of a NPN transistor?

Features and Specification Medium power NPN transistor Collector-Emitter voltage: 50V Collector-Base voltage: 60V Emitter-Base voltage: 5.0V 0.5A of Collector Current Collector to Emitter Saturation voltage: 0.6V Base to Emitter Saturation voltage: 1.3V DC Current gain: 100-300 hfe Output Capacitance: 20pf

How does a DC transistor turn on a led?

You can add any DC load in replacement of the LED according to the supply voltage. In this circuit, we are turning on an LED by giving the supply voltage of 9v. As we apply the base voltage by closing the switch, transistor starts conducting through Collector to Emitter and LED turns ON.