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What is a word with 2 syllables called?

What is a word with 2 syllables called?

Similar terms include disyllable (and disyllabic; also bisyllable and bisyllabic) for a word of two syllables; trisyllable (and trisyllabic) for a word of three syllables; and polysyllable (and polysyllabic), which may refer either to a word of more than three syllables or to any word of more than one syllable.

What words have multiple syllables?

“Polysyllabic” is an adjective used, e.g. for “polysyllabic humour”, where, for example, instead of saying “coca cola” one says “an ebony coloured, effervescent beverage of the drinkable kind, flavoured with the frutiferous bounties of the cola plant” or something.

What two syllables mean?

noun. a combination or set of one or more units of sound in a language that must consist of a sonorous element (a sonant or vowel) and may or may not contain less sonorous elements ( consonants or semivowels) flanking it on either or both sides: for example ” paper” has two syllables.

What are some two syllable verbs?

an swer – answering

  • of fer – offering
  • lis ten – listening
  • vis it – visiting
  • What are some three syllable adjectives?

    John is more generous than Jack.

  • John is the most generous of all the people I know.
  • Health is more important than money.
  • Max is the most important.
  • Women are more intelligent than men.
  • Mary is the most intelligent person I’ve ever met.
  • What are some closed syllable words?

    Some examples of closed syllables include the words ask, junk, soft, on, in, but, sock, hid, pat, bat, truck, bed, hip, and men. All these examples contain one vowel and end with a consonant. A word can also have more than one closed syllable.

    What is the plural of syllable?

    syllable (plural syllables) (linguistics) A unit of human speech that is interpreted by the listener as a single sound, although syllables usually consist of one or more vowel sounds, either alone or combined with the sound of one or more consonants; a word consists of one or more syllables. Meronyms: onset, nucleus, coda, rime.