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Why does it feel good when a girl crosses her legs?

Why does it feel good when a girl crosses her legs?

The leg-cross (twining one leg around so her foot crosses behind her calf and also the ankle) is a potent, yet polite, sexual signal. Why? Well for a start, it makes her legs look good because it presses the flesh to give the appearance of high muscle tone.

Does crossing legs mean anything?

In general, crossed legs signify anxiety and submission. The variation performed affects how strongly these feeling are implied. Remember that there could be a physical reason for someone to want the comfort of crossing the legs, such as feeling a bit cold.

What does it mean when a woman crosses her legs?

When a woman crosses one knee over the other, it shows off her muscle tone and allows her to get closer to you. “Slow, purposeful crossing and uncrossing of the legs is a game of peek-a-boo and classic courtship technique used to draw attention to her legs and signal interest.”

Why do people sit and stand with their legs crossed?

Body language: Sitting and standing with legs crossed. Sitting and standing with legs crossed, like crossing the arms, indicates a fundamentally defensive attitude. While arm-crossing is a subconscious attempt by a person to protect his vital organs- the heart and the lungs, crossing the legs is an attempt to protect the genitals.

Why do people use their legs as body language?

Well, the truth is that the legs are very important in communication. Something interesting is that we all use legs body language, often without knowing it, to judge the people we are talking to, while we hardly ever pay any attention to our own legs.

When do you cross your arms and legs?

When a person feels extremely defensive, he might cross his legs in addition to crossing the arms thereby achieving a complete sense of protection since all his ventral delicate organs are covered.