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What is photophosphorylation short answer?

What is photophosphorylation short answer?

Photophosphorylation is the process of utilizing light energy from photosynthesis to convert ADP to ATP. It is the process of synthesizing energy-rich ATP molecules by transferring the phosphate group into ADP molecule in the presence of light. Photophosphorylation is of two types: Non-cyclic Photophosphorylation.

What is the purpose of cyclic photophosphorylation?

It is concluded that cyclic photophosphorylation is required to fill up the pools of phosphorylated intermediates of the Calvin cycle at a time when noncyclic photophosphorylation cannot yet efficiently operate.

What is Kimi osmosis?

Chemiosmosis is the movement of ions across a semipermeable membrane bound structure, down their electrochemical gradient. An example of this would be the formation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by the movement of hydrogen ions (H+) across a membrane during cellular respiration or photosynthesis.

What is photolysis water?

Photolysis of water: Photolysis of water means the splitting of water molecules in the presence of light or photons into hydrogen ions, oxygen and electrons. Any photon with sufficient energy can split the chemical bond of any compound. – Photolysis of water occurs in the chloroplasts of plants.

Why is the cyclic pathway so important?

With the cyclic pathway, plants can save some time and energy. Since photosystem I is accepting electrons that are returned to it, it is not accepting electrons from the previous electron transport chain. Therefore, the first electron transport chain will be backed up, which means that photolysis will not occur.

What does non-cyclic photophosphorylation produce?

Non-cyclic photophosphorylation produces NADPH in addition to ATP (this requires the presence of water) Both NADPH and ATP are required to produce organic molecules via the light independent reactions.

What are characteristics of photosynthesis?

The main characteristics of the first stage of photosynthesis is the the production of hydrogen and energy. The process of photosynthesis happens in two stages the light-dependent reactions and the Calvin cycle (light-independent reactions). It is in the first stage that hydrogen and energy is being produced with the aid of the light energy.

What is a summary of photosynthesis?

In summary, photosynthesis is a process in which light energy is converted to chemical energy and used to produce organic compounds. In plants, photosynthesis typically occurs within the chloroplasts located in plant leaves.