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Can a Flex player be a courtesy runner?

Can a Flex player be a courtesy runner?

Strictly speaking, no. A “courtesy runner,” by definition, must be a player who is not currently, and has not yet been, in the line-up. The FLEX is technically in the line-up at the beginning of the game.

What is the DP flex rule in softball?

DP/Flex are joined at the hip with respect to the batting order. If both players are in the game, the Flex has number 10 in the batting order (i.e. she does not bat). The only place in the batting order that either DP or the Flex can bat is the place the DP occupied at the beginning of the game.

What is the difference between DH and DP?

DP = player you would have called the DH. Put her where you want her in the lineup. FLEX = your pitcher.

Can flex run for DP in softball?

The FLEX player can bat or run, but only in the original DP’s position. Therefore, the FLEX player and the DP can never be on offense simultaneously. The STARTING DP can play defense for any of the other 9 players in the lineup.

What is the look back rule in softball?

The ASA “Look Back Rule” applies. When a batter gets a hit, play is live until the pitcher has possession of the ball in the eight foot radius around the pitchers mound. Once possession is made, all runners may only stop once, but then must immediately return to the base or advance to the next base.

Can the Flex hit for the DP?

The FLEX can bat or run, but only for the original DP. As such, the DP and the FLEX CANNOT be on offense at the same time.

Can flex pinch run DP?

Which team gets to bat first?

An inning is broken up into two halves in which the away team bats in the top (first) half, and the home team bats in the bottom (second) half. In baseball, the defense always has the ball—a fact that differentiates it from most other team sports.

Can tight ends play Flex?

Which players are allowed to be started in the flex position varies from league to league. Some will only allow running backs or wide receivers, but some may allow tight ends or quarterbacks.

Can you steal first base in softball?

Leading off is not allowed in fast pitch softball – players are permitted to steal bases, provided they do not leave the base before the pitcher has released the ball. A runner on 1st or 2nd can advance/steal only one base per pitch even in the event of an overthrow in live ball territory.

Can you run backwards in softball?

The only time a runner should be called out for running backwards is if he has not yet reached first, and stops to back up towards the plate to avoid a tag. Any other baserunner can go back to first, second, or third. And once the batter-runner passes first, he can also back up to any of the bases.

Can a flex player be used as a DP in softball?

Unlike the designated hitter in baseball, the DP in Softball can bat for any position player, not just the pitcher. If the DP is used, the FLEX player has to be used.

Who is the flex player in a baseball game?

The player listed in the 10th position on the line up card is called the “Flex” Player, and plays DEFENSE ONLY. The DP and the Flex can be playing defense at the same time; it is just that the Flex does not bat. The DP could be playing defense for any of the other top 9 players listed on the line up card as mentioned above.

Where does the Flex play in a softball game?

In our example above, the FLEX is playing right field. If, say, our third baseman Felicia takes a line-drive off the shin and has to leave the game temporarily to “shake it off” (and rub some dirt in it!), we can put our DP, Cathy, at third base.

Can a flex player bat for a pitcher in softball?

To know this rule, ASA Rule 4 Section3, is to love it – trust me! Unlike the designated hitter in baseball, the DP in Softball can bat for any position player, not just the pitcher. If the DP is used, the FLEX player has to be used.