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Does God watch everything we do?

Does God watch everything we do?

“The Lord can’t see what we’re doing because it’s dark and no one is around.” Or “God isn’t going to worry about so small a sin.” This devotion looks at whether God sees everything we do. We come up with a lot of reasons why God won’t pay attention to our sins. But they are all wrong. He knows when we sin.

What does God see when he looks at me?

When God looks at us He sees our mistakes and imperfections, but instead of letting us drown in them, He has made provisions to cover us. And while the enemy calls us out and accuses us; God calls us up and forgives us.

Is it disrespectful to talk to God on the toilet?

So no, it isn’t disrespectful to pray on the toilet, but it is disrespectful to treat your prayer life as some kind of secondary task you need to get done and can do so while multitasking. Pray the poop away.

What does the Bible say about toilets?

As for some early Old Testament toilet guidance, Deuteronomy 23 instructs the Jewish people to “have a place outside the camp and go out there, and you shall have a spade among your tools, and it shall be when you sit down outside, you shall dig with it and shall turn to cover up your excrement.”

Does God watch us all the time?

The Bible says, “For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and He ponders all his paths” (Psalm 5:21). God watches all of us constantly. He sees everything. We cannot hide from Him or keep any secret from Him.

Do angels keep records?

A number of ancient documents indicate that sacred records are kept by angels. 1 Usually, these documents indicate that the books are kept in the heavenly temple and are intended to be used at the last day to judge the works of men.

What did Jesus see when he looks at us?

Who was the first leader of the Jesus’ Church? What does Jesus see when he looks at us? he sees who we really are, with our good qualities and our flaws, he also sees what we can become. What is a witness?

Can you pray while sitting on the toilet?

If you really have to go, before entering the toilet you are supposed to pray: You are not allowed to enter the toilet carrying anything bearing the name of Allah, such as the Quran or any other book containing the name Allah, or jewelry engraved with the name of Allah.

Does it matter what position you pray in?

There is no right or wrong way to pray, or one position of a prayer that is superior to another. The only thing that we, as believers must do is humble ourselves before the Lord, acknowledge His Lordship of our lives, and pray without ceasing.