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How is Antonio generous in Merchant of Venice?

How is Antonio generous in Merchant of Venice?

Antonio is considered a generous character because he loans money without charging interest. An example of this is when Bassanio needs money to impress Portia, Antonio agrees to secure any loan that Bassanio can get in the marketplace.

What type of character is Antonio in The Merchant of Venice?

Antonio is a kind-hearted man who lends money to needy people without charging any interest from them. In this respect he offers a striking contrast to Shylock who is a usurer. (A usurer is a money lender who charges excessive rates of interest on the loans which he gives).

What tells you that Bassanio loves Antonio sincerely in Act 4 Scene 1?

(iv) What tells you that Bassanio loves Antonio sincerely? Answer: Bassanio says that he is prepared to sacrifice everything of his, his life and even his wife, to save him from Shylock’s clutches. It shows his deep love for Antonio.

How does Antonio describe a person like Shylock?

(ii) How does Antonio describe a wicked person like Shylock? Answer: Antonio describes Shylock as a villain who keeps smiling to hide his real intentions. He is like an apple which is good to look at but is rotten inside. He is like a liar who puts on an impressive show.

Why can’t the duke help Antonio?

When Shakespeare finally gets around to trotting out the Duke at the big trial scene, the Duke can’t help Antonio because Shylock’s legal contract is solid. The best the Duke can do is lecture Shylock on the value of mercy, which Shylock completely ignores.

What penalty must Shylock pay if he sheds one drop of blood?

The words expressly specify “a pound of flesh.” So take your penalty of a pound of flesh, but if you shed one drop of Christian blood when you cut it, the state of Venice will confiscate your land and property under Venetian law.

Who are the characters in Act 4 of The Merchant of Venice?

Merchant of Venice Act 4, Scene 1. The scene begins in a Venice court of justice. The Duke, Antonio, Bassanio, Gratiano, Salerio, The Magnificoes, and others enter. The Duke begins the proceedings, and offers Antonio his sympathies – Shylock is out for blood. Antonio thanks the Duke for doing what he could to help. Shylock enters.

What does Shylock say to Antonio in The Merchant of Venice?

Antonio thanks the Duke for doing what he could to help. Shylock enters. The Duke suggests that Shylock might at this last moment, offer some kind of forgiveness to Antonio, considering his recent failures in business: “And then ’tis thought thou’lt show thy mercy and remorse more strange than is thy strange apparent cruelty.”

What does the Duke of Venice say to Antonio?

The duke of Venice greets Antonio and expresses pity for him, calling Shylock an inhuman monster who can summon neither pity nor mercy.

What does Antonio say in Act 4 Scene 1?

He then goes on a tirade, refusing to justify his actions against Antonio: “Some men there are love not a gaping pig, some that are mad if they behold a cat, and others when the bagpipe sings i’ the nose cannot contain their urine.” Act 4, Scene 1, lines 47-50