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What are words with opposite meaning called?

What are words with opposite meaning called?

Also called antagonyms, autoantonyms, or Janus words, contronyms are words with two definitions that contradict—or are the reverse of—each other. And speaking of, these words mean the exact opposite of what you think.

What do you call a word with two meanings?

When words are spelled the same and sound the same but have different meanings, then they are called homonyms.

What words are Contronyms?

Contronym is a word which has two meanings, both contradictory to each other. Contronyms are a combination of homonyms (words with similar spelling or pronunciation) and antonyms (words with opposite meaning). Eg, His lies were so transparent. Eg, She brought a transparent water bottle to school every day.

What are two opposite words called?

An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two apparently contradictory terms appear together. Examples include a deafening silence, harmonious discord, an open secret, and the living dead. See other Vocabulary Questions.

Is egregious a contronym?

In fact, there is a term for words that have meanings that are opposites of one another: contronym or auto-antonym. That page gives a number of examples, although it doesn’t include “egregious” (it’s not a complete list).

Is oversight a contronym?

A contronym is a word that can have two opposite or highly contrasting meanings: for example ‘cleave’ can mean both cut or break, and cling to, while ‘oversight’ can mean both something accidentally omitted and close control.

What words have no antonyms?

An unpaired word is one that, according to the usual rules of the language, would appear to have a related word but does not. Such words usually have a prefix or suffix that would imply that there is an antonym, with the prefix or suffix being absent or opposite.

Is cleave a Janus word?

Among the most commonly encountered Janus words are cleave, hew, and sanction. For example, one can be said to cleave a block of wood, meaning to split it, or to cleave to one’s principles, meaning to cling to them. Hew is almost synonymous in both senses.

Which is the best synonym for the word dual?

consisting of two members or parts that are usually joined. dual axles. Synonyms for dual. binary, bipartite, double, double-barreled, double-edged, duplex,

What do you call words that have opposite meanings?

They are called contronyms. The simplest explanation is that they are words that have opposite meanings. Several nyms comprise the English language. Words that mean the same thing are synonyms. Words that sound the same but have different spelling, such as pear and pair are homonyms. Antonyms are the opposite meaning of a word.

What do you call words that have two different meanings?

Do you know what the words that are spelled similarly and have two different meanings are called? They are called contronyms. The simplest explanation is that they are words that have opposite meanings. Several nyms comprise the English language.

Which is an example of a word with more than one meaning?

Homophone Examples. While not exactly the same as words that have more than one meaning, homophones are closely related to homonyms and homographs. Homophones are words that are pronounced the same, but have different spellings and meanings.