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What Bible translation do Mennonites use?

What Bible translation do Mennonites use?

The two most popular Bible translations for Mennonites are the New International Version and the New Revised Standard Version; however there is no official translation of the Bible for the Mennonite church.

Are Mennonites Catholic or Protestant?

Mennonite, member of a Protestant church that arose out of the Anabaptists, a radical reform movement of the 16th-century Reformation. It was named for Menno Simons, a Dutch priest who consolidated and institutionalized the work initiated by moderate Anabaptist leaders.

Did Mennonites baptize children?

They strove to embody what they thought early Christian communities must have been like. This partly meant rejecting sacraments like infant baptism. Instead, Mennonites practiced adult baptism, reasoning that infants and young children could not decide to follow Jesus of their own volition.

Do Mennonites get baptized?

So for Mennonites, baptism is a choice. That’s because Mennonite churches have a membership system. This system requires all members to be baptized within an existing Mennonite church in order to be considered a member.

Are Mennonites allowed to date?

Historically, Mennonites were forbidden to marry non-Mennonites and, in some cases, members of other Mennonite groups. Presently, only the more conservative ones proscribe marriage outside the group. Among the Old Colony and Holdeman Mennonites a form of matchmaking continues.

What books do Amish read?

The Bible is the premier book for members of the Christian Anabaptist faith. The Amish begin reading the Bible when they are very young and continue reading it practically every day until they die.

Can Mennonites marry their cousins?

The Swiss Mennonites, unlike those descended from the Netherlandish wing, have historically conducted the marriage ritual in the home. Historically, there have often been cousin marriages. Domestic Unit. Until recently, small extended families were common and are still typical among some groups.

Can Mennonites use birth control?

Old Colony Mennonites, like the Amish, do not officially allow birth control practices.

At what age do Mennonites get married?

The majority of Mennonites prefer to marry within their religious tradition. Furthermore, in the United States Mennonites tend to marry earlier than the rest of the population. The average age at marriage for men in 1989 was 23.2 and women 21.3 (Kauffman and Meyers 2001).

Are Mennonites allowed to drink?

Craig Frere: “Yes, some Mennonites do drink wine. In 1972, 50 percent of Mennonites and other Anabaptists said drinking alcohol (moderately) was “always wrong,” and in 1989, that percentage was still at 43 percent. But by 2007, only 26 percent considered it “always wrong.”

What do Mennonites believe about heaven?

Heaven, Hell: Mennonite beliefs say those who have received Christ into their life as Lord and Savior will go to heaven. The church has no detailed position on hell except that it consists of eternal separation from God.

What is a Mennonite wife?

The Mennonite religion states that men and women are of equal importance, although it is still a largely patriarchal society. The wife’s role is to serve her husband and raise their children, while men can become leaders in the church and community.