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What did Seigneurs live in?

What did Seigneurs live in?

The seigneurial system was an institutional form of land distribution established in New France in 1627 and officially abolished in 1854. In New France, 80 per cent of the population lived in rural areas governed by this system of land distribution and occupation.

What are the gender roles in New France?

Like us, the people of New France had jobs (depending on their gender) such as…

  • Clergies (both women and men)
  • Bishops (only men)
  • Seigneurs (only men)
  • Habitants (both women and men)
  • Coureurs De Bois (only men)

What did the habitants do in the fall?

The habitants had to clear the land, build a homestead, and plant and harvest a crop. The first task was never-ending, while the last one was annual. Building and repair- ing the house and barn were continual tasks. So were cutting and hauling firewood.

What were the gender roles in the 1900s?

Through the late 1800s and early 1900s, women were perceived as more morally upright than men. They were thus considered to be the backbone of familial morals, and added to this was the belief that females were more religious than males.

What was life like on a seigneury in New France?

Through research, students will develop an understanding of life on a Seigneury in New France.

What do students do in the seigneury class?

Students are given one computer class to research their role, using a graphic organizer (created as a class), and develop good guiding questions they would ask other settlers in the seigneury. Students are given time to discuss good questions with others in a group format.

Who are the characters in life on a seigneury?

Once students understand the expectations for the role play, they choose what character they will play in the seigneury (Governor General, habitant, nun, couriers de bois, Bishop, etc.).

How long does it take to study life on a seigneury?

Through research, art, drama and games, students will understand what it was like to live on a Seigneury in New France. The entire project takes one month, based on three­ one hour class periods per week.