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What did the savages raid Ralphs tent for?

What did the savages raid Ralphs tent for?

Jack plans a raid on Ralph’s camp to get the one thing that they don’t possess: Piggy’s glasses. The reason that they don’t “ask” as Ralph later yells at Jack, is because Jack and his tribe are too far gone into the lifestyle of savagery. They no longer possess any civilized qualities.

What do the Savages plan to do to Ralph?

What tactic do the savages use to get Ralph out of the tangled undergrowth? They roll large boulders to it and set it on fire in hopes that he will run out of it.

What did the savages do to get him out of the thicket where he was hiding?

Ralph finds a place to sleep for the night. The next morning, his hiding place, a dense thicket, is betrayed by Samneric. The tribe is unsuccessful at reaching him in the thicket, so they flush him out by rolling boulders into it and setting it on fire.

What really happens when Jack raids the camp?

During the raid, Piggy, Ralph, and Samneric believe that the beast has finally come to eat them and end up unknowingly fighting Jack, Maurice, and Roger. After the raid is over, their shelter is destroyed, Piggy’s glasses are stolen by Jack and his savages, and some of the boys are roughed up.

Why does Jack want Piggy’s?

Taking the glasses was Jack’s tribe’s way of taking control over Ralph’s group. In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, Piggy’s glasses were stolen so that Jack’s boys could continue to make and control the fire. (They used the glasses in combination with the sun to start a small fire.)

Why does Jack say I’m not going to play any longer not with you?

I’m not going to play any longer. Not with you… I’m not going to be a part of Ralph’s lot.” Jack feels that survival is a game to be played and he is fed up with the rules that Ralph deals. He invites others to come join him and runs off into the forest.

Why does Ralph cry at the end?

At the end of the novel Lord of the Flies, Ralph cries. He cries for the loss of innocence of the boys on the island. Ralph cries because he realizes that he almost dies at the hand of Jack and Roger.

Who kills Piggy?

Roger, the character least able to understand the civilizing impulse, crushes the conch shell as he looses the boulder and kills Piggy, the character least able to understand the savage impulse.

What evidence do we have that Ralph was losing his mind toward the end?

At the end of the story, following their rescue, Ralph weeps for “the end of innocence, and the darkness in man’s heart”, suggesting that Ralph has lost confidence in humanity itself, or at least in the idea that we are fundamentally good creatures.

What does it mean when Roger sharpened a stick at both ends?

ymbolises violence and weaponry: The stick is first used by Roger to put the sow’s head on. A stick sharpened at both ends perhaps symbolises that weapons ultimately hurt the people carrying them as much as the people they seek to injure – consider the context of the Holocaust and the Atomic bomb.

Why did Jack break Piggy’s glasses?

When Piggy shrilly complains about the hunters’ immaturity, Jack slaps him hard, breaking one of the lenses of his glasses. Jack taunts Piggy by mimicking his whining voice. Ralph goes to Piggy to use his glasses to light a fire, and at that moment, Jack’s friendly feelings toward Ralph change to resentment.

Why did Jack steal Piggy’s glasses?

To have possession of the glasses is to have possession of power on the island. In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, Piggy’s glasses were stolen so that Jack’s boys could continue to make and control the fire. (They used the glasses in combination with the sun to start a small fire.)

Why do the boys plan on raiding Ralph’s camp?

Toward the end of chapter 10, Jack and his hunters raid Ralph ‘s camp during the night to steal Piggy ‘s glasses. In order for the hunters to cook their meat, it is imperative that they build a fire. Jack and his hunters plan on using Piggy’s glasses to focus sunlight on dried wood to start a fire so that they can eat their pig meat.

What was Ralphs only weapon in Lord of the flies?

In The Lord of the Flies Ralph’s only weapon is a stick that has been turned in to a spear. He took the stick that was being used to mount the pigs head. What is Ralphs reaction when he encounters the Lord of the Flies?

How did Jack and his Hunters attack Ralph?

In the middle of the night, Jack and his hunters attack Ralph, Piggy, and Samneric while they are sleeping together in a hut. During the struggle, Ralph and Samneric accidentally fight each other in the dark as the hunters make off with Piggy’s glasses.

Who is Ralph’s father in Lord of the flies?

Ralph’s father is a commander in the navy, so Ralph is hopeful that his father will be able to find all of the boys on the island. What is Ralph and Jack’s relationship in Lord of the flies chapter 7?