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What do you say when food is delicious?

What do you say when food is delicious?

How’s It Taste?

  1. Tastes great! Eating something delicious right now?
  2. Really good! Here’s something else you could say instead of delicious.
  3. Wow, [this food] is amazing! If something tastes better than you expected, you could use the word wow to express your surprise.
  4. Yummy.
  5. Flavorful.
  6. Mouth-watering.

What is Bellissimo?

New Word Suggestion. [Italian} meaning: Very Beautiful. Submitted By: DavedWachsman2 – 18/06/2013.

What does Molto Bene?

very well. More meanings for molto bene. very fine. molto bene. very good.

What are some Italian sayings?

10 Italian Sayings You’ll Use Every Day

  • Hello in Italian is ciao.
  • Mamma mia is a common Italian saying.
  • Use the Italian phrase non mi va in the street markets.
  • The Italian idiom non avere peli sulla lingua cuts to the chase.
  • Thank you in Italian is grazie.
  • Lost in translation?
  • Excuse me in Italian is mi scusi.

How do you praise someone for delicious food?

Phrases for complimenting someone’s cooking

  1. The dish is delicious.
  2. This soup is very tasty.
  3. Great Pasta! It’s finger licking good.
  4. You’re a fantastic cook.
  5. Did you make this from scratch?
  6. You’ve got to give me the recipe for this chicken dish!
  7. The cherry pie is out of this world.
  8. This is best sandwich I ever had.

What do Muslims say before eating?


  • When meal is ready: “Allahumma barik lana fima razaqtana waqina athaban-nar. ” (Translation: O Allah!
  • While starting to eat: bismillahi wa ‘ala baraka-tillah (“In the name of God and with God’s blessing”) or simply b-ismi-llāh-ir-raḥmān-ir-raḥīm (“in the name of God, the gracious, the merciful”).

How do you greet a friend in Italian?

The common verbal greeting is “Ciao” (Hello). This is quite casual. People may also say “Buongiorno” (Good day) or “Buonasera” (Good afternoon) to be more formal. Address a person by their title and last name, and continue to do so until invited to move to a first-name basis.

What is the meaning of Molto Bene Grazie?

Very good, thanks
Very good, thanks (Molto bene, grazie)

What does Molto Bene mean in Latin?

What does the word delicious mean in Italian?

Italian Translation. delizioso. More Italian words for delicious. delizioso adjective. . delightful, delectable, scrumptious, yummy, luscious. squisito adjective. . exquisite, choice, dainty.

Which is the best word to describe food in Italian?

The first word all learners should add to their Italian vocabulary is the adjective buono. Although it has other meanings such as nice, kind or positive, it literally translates as good or tasty when referring to food. It can be declined to show gender and number: buona (feminine), buoni (masculine plural) or buone (feminine plural).

What’s the Italian word for full of flavour?

If you want to say that a dish is full of flavour, you can describe it as being gustoso ( gustosa / gustosi / gustose) or saporito ( saporita / saporiti / saporite ). Note that unlike the previous words, neither would ever be used on their own to compliment a dish.

What does the word Buono mean in Italian?

1. Buono! The first word all learners should add to their Italian vocabulary is the adjective buono. Although it has other meanings such as nice, kind or positive, it literally translates as good or tasty when referring to food. It can be declined to show gender and number: buona (feminine), buoni (masculine plural) or buone (feminine plural).