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What does Chernobyl virus do?

What does Chernobyl virus do?

The Chernobyl virus is a computer virus with a potentially devastating payload that destroys all computer data when an infected file is executed. Since many files are executed during computer use, the virus is able to spread quickly and infect those files.

What is cavity virus in computer?

Some viruses can infect files without increasing their sizes or damaging the files. They accomplish this by overwriting unused areas of executable files. These are called cavity viruses. For example, the CIH virus, or Chernobyl Virus, infects Portable Executable files.

How does a multipartite virus work?

A multipartite virus is defined as a virus that infects your boot sector as well as files. The area of the hard drive that is accessed when the computer is first turned on. Can infect floppy disks.

How did the Melissa virus work?

The Melissa virus, reportedly named by Smith for a stripper in Florida, started by taking over victims’ Microsoft Word program. It then used a macro to hijack their Microsoft Outlook email system and send messages to the first 50 addresses in their mailing lists.

Is Stone a virus?

Stone is able to infect the boot sectors of floppy disks. The virus has spawned a large number of variants. Stoned was one of the most widespread viruses in existence.

How much damage did the Chernobyl virus cause?

Sixty million computers were believed to be infected by the virus internationally, resulting in an estimated US$1 billion in commercial damages.

Is polymorphic a virus?

Polymorphic viruses are complex file infectors that can create modified versions of itself to avoid detection yet retain the same basic routines after every infection. To vary their physical file makeup during each infection, polymorphic viruses encrypt their codes and use different encryption keys every time.

How bad was Mydoom?

The worst computer virus outbreak in history, Mydoom caused estimated damage of $38 billion in 2004, but its inflation-adjusted cost is actually $52.2 billion. Also known as Novarg, this malware is technically a “worm,” spread by mass emailing. At one point, the Mydoom virus was responsible for 25% of all emails sent.

Is there such a thing as a spacefiller virus?

Spacefiller virus. Updated: 04/26/2017 by. Alternatively referred to as a cavity virus, a spacefiller virus is a rare type of computer virus that attempts to install itself into a file by filling in the empty sections of a file.

When was the spacefiller cavity virus first detected?

Spacefiller virus was first detected in 1998 and infected multiple Windows versions including 95.98 and ME. Its malicious effects can range from infecting devices with malicious code, overwriting of data stored on your device, and tampering with the device BIOS. What Differentiates The Spacefiller Cavity Virus from other Computer Viruses?

What kind of virus installs itself inside of a file?

Spacefiller (Cavity) Viruses. A spacefiller (cavity) virus attempts to install itself inside of the file it is infecting. This is difficult but has become easier with new file formats designed to make executable files load and run faster.

Can a cavity virus insert itself into a file?

A cavity (spacefiller) virus can find these gaps and insert itself into them. The CIH virus family takes advantage of this new file format. There will likely be more. To see an example of CIH at work, see this video… A spacefiller (cavity) virus attempts to install itself inside of the file it is infecting.