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What does sticky and stringy discharge mean?

What does sticky and stringy discharge mean?

Sticky discharge is the body’s way of keeping germs and infection away from the vagina and vulva. The discharge usually contains bacteria and dead cells. People sometimes believe they are the only ones who experience sticky discharge.

What does really stringy discharge mean?

But if the discharge is stringy and clumpy like cheese, then it could be a sign of a yeast infection. It is usually accompanied by burning and itching and is due to an overgrowth of a fungus. If the white discharge has a fishy odor, then it probably means that the woman has bacterial vaginosis.

Is stringy vaginal mucus normal?

Normal Discharge It does not have a foul smell and typically has no odor at all. Normal vaginal discharge often appears clear or milky when it dries on your panties. Occasionally, you may notice a discharge that is thin and stringy looking. You might call it clear and snotty.

What does thick jelly like discharge mean?

Typically, clear, stretchy and jelly-like vaginal discharge that has the consistency of egg whites, means that you are making a lot of estrogen. This type of discharge often occurs in the middle between your cycles and is a sign of ovulating (your body is releasing an egg) and you are fertile (able to become pregnant).

What is the clear gooey stuff when I wipe?

Clear, Stretchy Discharge: What Does It Mean? Vaginal discharge is fluid that’s naturally released by cells in your vagina and cervix. It serves as one of your body’s defenses by moving dead skin cells and bacteria out of the vagina while also maintaining a healthy pH balance.

What does a woman’s discharge look like?

Normal vaginal discharge is usually clear or milky and may have a subtle scent that is not unpleasant or foul smelling. It’s also important to know that vaginal discharge changes over the course of a woman’s menstrual cycle. These changes in color and thickness are associated with ovulation and are natural.

Does Jelly discharge mean im pregnant?

After conception, changes to cervical mucus may be a very early sign of pregnancy. Implantation is the attachment of a fertilized egg to your uterus. After implantation, mucus tends to be thick, gummy, and clear in color. Some women experience implantation bleeding, or spotting.

Does jelly like discharge mean pregnant?

Cervical mucus after conception After conception, changes to cervical mucus may be a very early sign of pregnancy. Implantation is the attachment of a fertilized egg to your uterus. After implantation, mucus tends to be thick, gummy, and clear in color. Some women experience implantation bleeding, or spotting.

Why can I smell my discharge through my pants?

Common causes include chlamydia infections as well as injuries to the urethra, such as from catheter trauma. The extra presence of bacteria can cause an unpleasant smell. Doctors will usually treat the condition with antibiotics, such as doxycycline.