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What does TEC mean in writing?

What does TEC mean in writing?

or ‘tec (tɛk ) noun. informal short for detective. Word Frequency.

Is TEC a word in English?

Yes, tec is in the scrabble dictionary.

Why is a detective called a TEC?

tec (n.) 1879 in thieves’ slang as short for detective (n.); 1934 as short for detective story.

What does TEC mean slang?

(Entry 1 of 2) slang. : detective.

What does TEC mean in business?

TEC Training and Enterprise Council Business » General Business
TEC Technology, Education, and Commerce Business » International Business
TEC Thermally Expanded Core Academic & Science » Physics
TEC Commercial Intertech Corporation Business » NYSE Symbols
TEC Technology and Education for Christ Community » Religion

What is full form of TEC?

TEC Full Form

Full Form Category Term
Technical Education Certificate Educational Degree TEC
Thermal Electric Cooler Chemistry TEC
Threshold Exceeded Condition Electronics TEC
Thermo-electric Cooling Electronics TEC

What is meant by TEC certificate?

TEC is the abbreviation for Telecommunication Engineering Center. TEC of is the responsible Indian authority when it comes to certification for telecommunications products. MTCTE stands for Mandatory Testing Certification of Telecommunication Equipment.

What does TEC mean in medical terms?

Transient erythroblastopenia of childhood (TEC) is a slowly developing anemia that occurs in early childhood and is characterized by a gradual onset of pallor. As the name suggests, all patients with transient erythroblastopenia of childhood recover completely without sequelae.

Is etc Latin?

The Latin phrase et cetera has been used in English since the early Middle Ages and translates as “and others of the same kind” or “and so forth.” (Et means “and”; cētera means “the other, other part, that which remains.”) Earliest print evidence of its common abbreviation, etc., is from the 15th century, and it is …

What does TEC stand for on a pill?

23, 2017timer7 min. When Kyle Bye is trying to score the prescription narcotic Percocet, he looks for three letters: TEC. The letters are engraved in bold capitals across the dime-sized white pill, a mix of oxycodone and Tylenol.

What is the use of TEC certificate?

Definitive Guide to TEC & TEC Certification. TEC or Telecommunication Engineering Centre provides the necessary certificate after proper testing of telecom products. TEC functions under DoT or Department of Telecommunication, Government of India.

What is the use of TEC?

A TEC can be used to remove heat across a wide range, from a few milliwatts all the way up to several thousand watts. Common applications for a TEC include: Avionics and aviation component cooling. Dehumidifiers.

What does the name tec mean?

What does TEC mean? detective, investigator, tec, police detective (noun) a police officer who investigates crimes. see more ».

What does a TEC mean?

TEC stands for TO ENCOUNTER CHRIST. It is a three-day experience in Christian living specifically designed for young people who are searching for goals, for acceptance, for meaning, for community, for values, and most especially, for God. “New Life TEC” is endorsed by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Gaylord . What other young adults say about TEC:

What is the abbreviation of TEC?

TEC stands for Tax-Exempt Customer (various organizations) This definition appears somewhat frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc. Business, finance, etc.