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What empire did Shamshi-Adad rule?

What empire did Shamshi-Adad rule?

Shamshi-Adad V
King of Assyria King of Sumer and Akkad
Detail from a stele portraying Shamshi-Adad V in British Museum
King of the Neo-Assyrian Empire
Reign 824–811 BC

When was the old Assyrian period?

The Old Assyrian period (ca. 2000–1600 B.C.) is the earliest period for which there is evidence of a distinct culture, separate from that of southern Mesopotamia, flourishing in the city of Ashur (also called Qal’at Sherqat), located on the Tigris River in modern Iraq.

What is ashurbanipal famous for?

Ashurbanipal was king of the Neo-Assyrian empire. At the time of his reign (669–c. 631 BC) it was the largest empire in the world, stretching from Cyprus in the west to Iran in the east, and at one point it even included Egypt. Its capital Nineveh (in modern-day Iraq) was the world’s largest city.

Who is Adad?

Adad, weather god of the Babylonian and Assyrian pantheon. Adad’s father was the heaven god Anu, but he is also designated as the son of Bel, Lord of All Lands and god of the atmosphere. His consort was Shalash, which may be a Hurrian name. The symbol of Adad was the cypress, and six was his sacred number.

How did ashurbanipal treat his people?

Ashurbanipal was a popular king who ruled his citizens fairly but was marked for his cruelty toward those whom he defeated, the best-known example being a relief depicting the defeated king with a dog chain through his jaw, being forced to live in a kennel after capture.

What was the greatest contribution of ashurbanipal?

Ashurbanipal’s outstanding contribution resulted from his academic interests. He assembled in Nineveh the first systematically collected and cataloged library in the ancient Middle East (of which approximately 20,720 Assyrian tablets and fragments have been preserved in the British Museum).

Is Adad a god?

What did Shamshi Adad I do for a living?

Shamshi-Adad I was a great organizer and he kept firm controls on all matters of state, from high policy down to the appointing of officials and the dispatching of provisions. Spies and propaganda were often used to win over rival cities.

Who was the son of King Shamshi Adad?

…king appointed his younger son Shamshi-Adad as the new crown prince. Forced to flee to Babylonia, Shamshi-Adad V (823–811) finally managed to regain the kingship with the help of Marduk-zakir-shumi I under humiliating conditions.

What did Eshnunna do after Shamshi Adad I died?

After the death of Shamshi-Adad I, Eshnunna captured cities around Assur. When the news of Shamshi-Adad I’s death spread, his old rivals set out to topple his sons from the throne.

Who was the king of Mesopotamia during Shamshi Adad’s reign?

Later in his reign, Shamshi-Adad campaigned against Southern Mesopotamia, and stipulated a treaty with the Babylonian king Marduk-zakir-shumi I . In 814 BC, he won the Battle of Dur-Papsukkal against the Babylonian king Marduk-balassu-iqbi, and a few Aramean tribes settled in Babylonia.