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What is the sac in which urine collects in the body?

What is the sac in which urine collects in the body?

the bladder: a sac that collects the pee. the urethra: a tube that carries the pee from the bladder out of the body.

How is urine conveyed out the body?

A. After forming in the nephrons, urine passes from the collecting ducts to the renal papillae, then to the minor and major calyces, and out the renal pelvis to the ureters, urinary bladder, and finally to the urethra, which conveys urine to the outside.

Where urine is temporarily stored?

The urinary bladder is a temporary storage reservoir for urine. The urethra is the final passageway for the flow of urine.

What removes urine from the body?

The urethra is a muscular tube that connects the bladder with the outside of the body and removes urine from the body.

Which structure collects urine first?

Urine is formed in the kidneys through a filtration of blood. The urine is then passed through the ureters to the bladder, where it is stored. During urination, the urine is passed from the bladder through the urethra to the outside of the body….

Urinary system
FMA 7159
Anatomical terminology

Why do I get discharge from my urethra?

Use our free symptom checker to find out what’s causing your discharge. The urethra is the slender, muscular duct that drains urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. One of the first symptoms of infection or inflammation of the urethra will be a discharge.

Where does urine go after it enters the bladder?

After the urine enters the bladder from the ureters, small folds in the bladder mucosa act like valves to prevent the backward flow of the urine; these are called the ureteral valves.

Which is the organ that stores urine in the body?

The urinary bladder is a hollow, muscular, and elastic organ that stores urine. Urine exits the bladder and the body through the urethra. The kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra make up the urinary tract, the pathway through which urine flows and is eliminated from the body.

Who is most often affected by female urethral discharge symptoms?

Who is most often affected by female urethral discharge symptoms? Women who are sexually active, especially with multiple partners. Women at or near menopause, when estrogen levels decline and the lining of the urethra may become drier and thinner. Women who also have a vaginal infection often develop urethritis as well, and vice versa. [13]