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What was Jessica planning to do?

What was Jessica planning to do?

“Our house is hell,” she says, “and thou a merry devil / Didst rob it of some taste of tediousness.” She then gives him a letter to deliver secretly to her lover Lorenzo “who is thy new master’s [Bassanio’s] guest.” After Launcelot leaves, we discover that Jessica is planning to elope with Lorenzo; in addition, she is …

What is the role of Jessica in The Merchant of Venice?

1598). In the play, she elopes with Lorenzo, a penniless Christian, and a chest of her father’s money, eventually ending up in Portia and Bassanio’s household. In the play’s dramatic structure, Jessica is a minor but pivotal role….Jessica (The Merchant of Venice)

Created by William Shakespeare

How does Lorenzo plan to disguise Jessica?

As she is descending, Lorenzo tells Jessica that since she is clothed as a boy, she must act as the torchbearer for him and his friends as they go to the masque that night. Therefore, Lorenzo has Jessica disguised as a young servant boy and torchbearer to help her to escape her father’s house.

Where is Jessica What is she doing?

(i) Where is Jessica? What is she doing? Answer : Jessica is in her house at the present moment. She is eloping with Lorenzo as her father is against her relationship with a Christians.

Why is Jessica ashamed Shylock’s daughter?

She reveals how she feels ashamed to be her father’s daughter because of his behavior. She also declares her love for Lorenzo and her desire to leave home and become a Christian to marry him. Lorenzo gives a straightforward appraisal of Jessica as he reflects on his love for her.

Why did Jessica hate Shylock?

Jessica takes Shylock’s money to financially support their eloping. She also takes his money to splurge. Shylock’s lack of financial support to his servant most likely extends to his daughter and helps explain why she hates living with him so much. Shylock is known to be extremely stingy and materialistic.

Why does Jessica marry Lorenzo?

Why does Jessica marry Lorenzo? She reveals how she feels ashamed to be her father’s daughter because of his behavior. She also declares her love for Lorenzo and her desire to leave home and become a Christian to marry him.

Why is Lorenzo full of praise for Jessica?

Why is Lorenzo full of praise for Jessica? Lorenzo describes the gentle nature of Jessica by saying that she is pure and blameless, unlike her father. EXPLANATION: The Merchant of Venice is written by William Shakespeare. In Act 2 Lorenzo praises Jessica, who is the daughter of the greedy Jewish merchant Shylock.

Why does Jessica say she is ashamed with?

Jessica speaks to the audience after saying goodbye to Launcelot as she plans her escape. She reveals how she feels ashamed to be her father’s daughter because of his behavior. She also declares her love for Lorenzo and her desire to leave home and become a Christian to marry him.

What according to Jessica is worth the pains?

Answer: Jessica tells Lorenzo that the casket full of jewels gold and money is worth the pains.

Why does Jessica say she is ashamed?

Does Shylock hate Jessica?

Shylock and Jessica are Jewish and Lorenzo is Christian, so Shylock does not approve of their relationship. These religious descriptions also reinforce dark stereotypes. Shylock’s lack of financial support to his servant most likely extends to his daughter and helps explain why she hates living with him so much.