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What were Europeans interested in trading in Asia?

What were Europeans interested in trading in Asia?

Over time these European trading companies developed into colonial empires. The East India companies of Europe came seeking the exotic products of Asia: silks, cottons, and precious commodities such as spices and aromatic products.

Why did Europe trade with Asia?

Europeans started exploring because they wanted spices, wealth, gold, expand trade routes and change of religion. These men were willing to risk there lives in order to get spices and gain wealth. The main reason that they went out to explore was for spices because they were so valuable.

How did Europe impact Asia?

European political power, commerce, and culture in Asia gave rise to growing trade in commodities—a key development in the rise of today’s modern world free market economy. The ensuing rise of the rival Dutch East India Company gradually eclipsed Portuguese influence in Asia.

How did Europeans first trade with Asia?

During the period 1500-1800 Asian commodities flooded into the West. As well as spices and tea, they included silks, cottons, porcelains and other luxury goods. The resulting currency drain encouraged Europeans to imitate the goods they so admired. …

What was the first sea route from Europe to Asia?

Vasco da Gama
“Vasco da Gama Establishes the First Ocean Trade Route from Europe to India and Asia .” Science and Its Times: Understanding the Social Significance of Scientific Discovery. .

What were the effects of European migration on Asia?

Europeans introduced new crops and forced small farmers off their land to work on large plantations. They drove local artisans out of business and made Southeast Asian economies dependent on foreign manufactured goods.

What was the effect of European migration on Asia?

The expanding economies of European states stimulated increased trade with markets in Asia. With the loss of Constantinople in 1453, European nations fronting the Atlantic sought new maritime routes for trade. One motive for exploration was to spread the Christian religion.

Why were European so interested in trading in Southeast Asia?

SOUTHEAST ASIA: Europeans. The Europeans were interested in colonizing Southeast Asia for the same basic reasons that they wanted to colonize the other regions of the world. But with Southeast Asia, there was a new reason for wanting to colonize– it was a backdoor to China.

Which is the busiest sea route in the world?

The English Channel
The English Channel (between the UK and France) The busiest sea route in the world, it connects the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. More than 500 ships pass through this channel daily.

Why did European countries want to find a sea route to Asia?

Why did European nations seek a sea route to Asia? They wanted to bypass the existing trading routes controlled by foreign powers and gain direct access to the spices and other goods of Asia. He found previously unknown continents and expanded Spain’s trading and exploration rights.

What were the effects of European migration?

In addition to kidnapping and enslaving Africans, the Europeans traded gold, salt, and other resources, and in exchange, they passed on not only goods from their home countries, but germs and deadly diseases as well.

How did European colonization affect the Americas Africa and Asia?

As Europeans moved beyond exploration and into colonization of the Americas, they brought changes to virtually every aspect of the land and its people, from trade and hunting to warfare and personal property. European goods, ideas, and diseases shaped the changing continent.

Why did Europeans seek a direct route to trade with Asia?

Why did Europeans seek a direct route to trade with Asia? A.They wanted to bypass their Muslim rivals in the Middle East. B.They wanted to purchase tea and spices when they were freshest. C.Chinese merchants would only trade directly with Europeans. D.Indian demand for European manufactured goods was very high.

What was trade with Asia in the 1500’s?

During the period 1500-1800 Asian commodities flooded into the West. As well as spices and tea, they included silks, cottons, porcelains and other luxury goods.

How did the British solve the trade imbalance with Asia?

In the late 18th century any uncertainty that existed about the position of Europeans in Asia evaporated. The British solved the trade imbalance with China by flooding the country with Indian opium, damaging both the economy and the health of the people.

Why did Europeans import so much silver from Asia?

Since few European products could be successfully sold in bulk in Asian markets, these imports were paid for with silver. The resulting currency drain encouraged Europeans to imitate the goods they so admired. In Asia, there was no comparable mass importation of western goods.