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Where are the Algonquin tribe from?

Where are the Algonquin tribe from?

Algonquin, North American Indian tribe of closely related Algonquian-speaking bands originally living in the dense forest regions of the valley of the Ottawa River and its tributaries in present-day Quebec and Ontario, Canada.

What Indian tribes are from Maine?

Today, the four Maine Indian tribes are the Maliseet, Micmac, Penobscot, and Passamaquoddy, known collectively as the Wabanaki, “People of the Dawnland.” Each community maintains its own tribal government, community schools, cultural center and each manages its respective lands and natural resources.

Are there still Algonquin?

The Algonquin are original natives of southern Quebec and eastern Ontario in Canada. Today they live in nine communities in Quebec and one in Ontario. The Algonquin were a small tribe that also lives in northern Michigan and southern Quebec and eastern Ontario.

Where did the Algonquin people live in Canada?

For the “Algonquin” of Quebec and Ontario, see Algonquin people. The Algonquian are one of the most populous and widespread North American native language groups. Historically, the peoples were prominent along the Atlantic Coast and into the interior along the Saint Lawrence River and around the Great Lakes.

How did the Algonquian tribe get their name?

Algonquian and Algonkian both refer to the Algonquin language or to the group of tribes that speak related dialects. Therefore, the Algonquian tribes (including the Delaware , the Narragansetts , the Pequot , and the Wampanoag) are so called because they all speak the Algonkin or Algonquin language.

Who are the Algonquian Indians of South Carolina?

Algonquian Indian Culture. Among the tribes from south New England to Carolina, including especially the Mohegan, Delawares, the people of the Powhatan confederacy, and the Chippewa, descent was reckoned in the female line; among the Potawatomi, Abnaki, Blackfeet, and probably most of the northern tribes, in the male line.

What kind of fish did the Algonquian Indians catch?

In April, they netted alewife, sturgeon and salmon. In May, they caught cod with hook and line in the ocean; and trout, smelt, striped bass and flounder in the estuaries and streams. Putting out to sea, the men hunted whales, porpoises, walruses and seals.