Table of Contents
Which is PR proficiency enables you to execute your isolated soldier guidance?
Which of the following enables you to execute your Isolated Soldier Guidance and mitigate the risk of injury or death? Which PR proficiency defines captivity models of Prisoner of War, Peacetime Government Detention, and Hostage Detention?
Can a single option be used to recover Isolated Personnel?
Options to recover Isolated Personnel are not usually combined. The selected Personnel Recovery option must be used at the exclusion of others. True or False? Which of the following describes how commanders and staffs, units, and individuals work together to synchronize each other?
Which is not an example of isolated personnel?
Which of the following is NOT an example of Isolated Personnel? Nice work! You just studied 15 terms! Now up your study game with Learn mode. What personnel recovery option involves government to affect your recovery? Which of the following is NOT an example of Isolated Personnel?
When do units notify appropriate PR elements of isolating events?
During execution of the______PR task, units notify appropriate PR elements of an Isolating events essential PR information. PR guidance and ISG developed to prepare units, soldiers and other indivduals for Isolation and the three focal groups.
Which is PR focal group refers to soldiers, DoD civilians?
Which PR focal group refers to Soldiers, DoD Civilians, or DoD Contractors who must execute the ISG and master the Proficiencies? Which of the Following is NOT true of the Personnel Recovery System? Which PR task includes the recognition, proper notification, and validation that you have become isolated?
Which of the following is NOT an example of Isolated Personnel? Nice work! You just studied 35 terms! Now up your study game with Learn mode. Which PR option involves members of the government to affect your recovery? Which of the following is NOT an example of Isolated Personnel?