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Which of the following should be clearly indicated on the aircraft weighing form?

Which of the following should be clearly indicated on the aircraft weighing form?

What should be clearly indicated on the aircraft weighing form? Weighing points. If the reference datum line is placed at the nose of an airplane rather than at the firewall or some other location aft of the nose.

What are the documents needed in weighing the aircraft?

Some of the important weight and balance information found in a Type Certificate Data Sheet is as follows:

  • Center of gravity range.
  • Maximum weight.
  • Leveling means.
  • Number of seats and location.
  • Baggage capacity.
  • Fuel capacity.
  • Datum location.
  • Engine horsepower.

What is the most important reason for weighing an aircraft?

General Concepts. The most important reason for weighing an aircraft is to find out its empty weight (basic empty weight) and to find out where it balances in the empty weight condition. When an aircraft is to be flown, the pilot in command must know what the loaded weight of the aircraft is and where its loaded CG is.

When should an aircraft be weighted?

14 CFR part 125 requires aircraft with 20 or more seats or maximum payload capacity of 6,000 pounds or more to be weighed every 36 calendar months. Multi-engine aircraft operated under 14 CFR part 135 are also required to be weighed every 36 months.

How do you calculate weight and balance?

Technique: Weight and balance

  1. Ascertain from the pilot’s operating handbook the empty weight of the aircraft and determine the weights of people, baggage, and fuel.
  2. Multiply each weight by the arm—the distance from the reference datum—to find the moment.
  3. Add all the weights to find the gross weight.

What are the two most commonly used types of aircraft scales?

The two basic types of scales used to weigh aircraft are platform and load cell.

What documents must be on board the aircraft at all times?

The letters stand for the documents that must be carried aboard an airplane. They are an airworthiness certificate, registration certificate, operating limitations, and weight and balance information.

What are the steps for weighing an aircraft?

Aircraft are often weighed by rolling them onto ramps in which load cells are embedded. This eliminates the problems associated with jacking the aircraft off the ground. However, many aircraft are weighed by jacking the aircraft up and then lowering them onto scales or load cells.

Why is it important to weigh an aircraft?

The most important reason for weighing an aircraft is to find out its empty weight (basic empty weight) and to find out where it balances in the empty weight condition. When an aircraft is to be flown, the pilot in command must know what the loaded weight of the aircraft is and where its loaded CG is.

What kind of scales are used to weigh aircraft?

There are two basic types of scales used to weigh aircraft: scales on which the aircraft is rolled so that the weight is taken at the wheels, and electronic load cells type where a pressure sensitive cell are placed between the aircraft jack and the jack pads on the aircraft.

How does a pilot know the weight of an aircraft?

The pilot in command has the responsibility to know the weight of the load, CG, maximum allowable weight, and CG limits of the aircraft. The weight and balance report must include an equipment list showing weights and moment arms of all required and optional items of equipment included in the certificated empty weight.

Can a plane be weighed outside of a building?

4. Applicable Aircraft Specifications and weight and balance computation forms. If possible, aircraft should be weighed in a closed building where there are no air currents to cause incorrect scale readings. An outside weighing is permissible if wind and moisture are negligible.