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Who did King Arthur have a child with?

Who did King Arthur have a child with?

The child most frequently associated with King Arthur is his wicked son–nephew, Mordred, by his half sister, Morgause. Usually, the affair is arranged by his half sister Morgan le Fay without Arthur’s knowledge.

Who was King Arthurs wife?


Family Varied, including Leodegrance (father), Gwenhwyfach (sister) and Guiomar (cousin) among others
Spouse Arthur, sometimes Mordred
Significant other Either Mordred, Yder, or Lancelot; sometimes also others
Children Usually none

How many wives did King Arthur have?

In the poem known as the Welsh Triad, Arthur had three queens. All three wives were named Gwenhwyfar (Gwenhwyvar). They were called Gwenhwyfar daughter of Gwent (Cywryd), and Gwenhwyfar daughter of Gwythyr son of Greidiawl, and Gwenhwyfar daughter of Gogfran (Gogrvan) the Giant.

Did King Arthur marry a servant?

Character Overview Guinevere was the wife of King Arthur , the legendary ruler of Britain. She was a beautiful and noble queen, but her life took a tragic turn when she fell in love with Lancelot , one of Arthur’s bravest and most loyal knights.

Does King Arthur ever have children?

Arthur traditionally had three children in Welsh tradition, including Amr, whose story resembles Mordred’s, while Mordred (Medraut) is not Arthur’s child in Welsh legend.

Is the legend of King Arthur true?

Historians cannot confirm King Arthur’s existence, though some speculate that he was a real warrior who led British armies against Saxon invaders in the 6th century.

Did King Arthur have 2 wives?

Guinevere is Arthur’s wife and queen; according to the Vulgate Cycle and Malory, she is the daughter of Leodegrance of Carmelide. Though one of the Welsh Triads (Triad 56) speaks of Arthur’s three great queens (all named Gwenhwyfar), later romance generally gives him only one wife named Guinevere.

Who killed Lancelot?

Lancelot is played by Ioan Gruffudd in the non-fantasy film King Arthur (2004), in which he is one of Arthur’s warriors. He is mortally wounded when he saves the young Guinevere and slays the Saxon chieftain Cynric during the Battle of Badon Hill.