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Why did Cassius want Caesar dead?

Why did Cassius want Caesar dead?

Cassius kills himself with the same sword that killed Caesar because he believes his friend Titinius has been captured by enemy troops. Pindarus, Cassius’s servant, reports that a group of men on horseback surround Titinius and take him captive.

Why does Cassius not want Mark Antony to have the opportunity?

Why does Cassius not want Mark Antony to have the opportunity to speak at Caesar’s funeral? Cassius does not trust Mark Antony, and he feels that Antony is going to use this opportunity to turn the people against them.

Why does Calpurnia want Caesar to stay home?

Calpurnia is grief-stricken. She fears that Caesar will be murdered if he stirs about. She desires for Caesar to stay at home with her.

What did Antony say at Caesar’s funeral?

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. Come I to speak in Caesar’s funeral. …

Why does Cassius fear Antony speaking at Caesar’s funeral?

Antony shakes their bloody hands but then mourns over Caesar’s body, offering him all manner of praise. This worries Cassius more than Brutus. Antony says that all he wants is to understand why they killed Caesar and to have an opportunity to speak at Caesar’s funeral.

What does the famous line Et tu Brute mean?

Unbelieving, Caesar says, ‘Et tu Brute? Then fall, Caesar. ‘ which means ‘You too Brutus? ‘ and gives up, saying, ‘Then fall Caesar.

What does Caesar say to Calpurnia as she is trying to convince him to stay home?

Caesar states that it is simply his will to stay home. He adds that Calpurnia has had a dream in which she saw his statue run with blood like a fountain, while many smiling Romans bathed their hands in the blood; she has taken this to portend danger for Caesar.

Why is Portia so nervous and upset at the end of Scene IV?

Why is Portia so nervous and upset? Because she knows the plan of Brutus, and she’s worry about him.

Did Mark Antony actually speak at Caesar’s funeral?

The intense public reaction to his assassination can be traced to his funeral specifically, as Marc Antony gave a stirring funeral oration to rouse the crowd. While the speech he actually gave is unknown, Shakespeare’s version is often remembered and held as true.

Why does Mark Antony say this to the crowd?

And grievously hath Caesar answer’d it (Act III, Scene 2). Antony tells the crowd that he is not there to praise Caesar because they know how close Antony was to Caesar. The crowd also knows Antony is there to serve as the opposing viewpoint to Brutus, who represents the conspirators who killed Caesar.

Why does Brutus leave before Antony?

Brutus’s decision to leave Antony unharmed aligns with his noble, naive character. He shows integrity and compassion by refraining from murdering Antony and causing more bloodshed. However, he naively believes that Antony will not threaten Rome’s stability, which comes back to haunt him at Caesar’s funeral oration.

What 3 reasons does Antony give to prove that Caesar wasn’t ambitious?

Antony names 3 of Caesar’s actions that prove Caesar wasn’t ambitious. What were they? Cried for the poor, did NOT accept the crown 3 times, and brought home the captives and riches for Rome’s treasury. What does Antony do to persuade the crowd to believe that the conspirators MURDERED Caesar?