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Why students should not have recess?

Why students should not have recess?

Research shows that taking away recess doesn’t improve behavior in the classroom. In fact, an excessive amount of boredom and energy will make misbehaving kids even worse. A study on fourth graders found that students were more focused and less fidgety if they’d had recess.

Should all students have recess?

Children need recess. It benefits every aspect of childhood development—physical development, of course, but also social, emotional and intellectual development as well. Following are seven reasons why, if we want our children to succeed, recess should not be denied. Recess increases focus.

Should students lose recess for bad behavior?

Recess has the added benefit of leading to a more effective learning environment in the classroom. Research has shown that taking away recess does not make classroom behavior any better, and, in fact, it might make things worse in the case of students who are misbehaving because of an excess of energy or boredom.

Is recess good or bad?

Recent studies have found that recess is important for more than just keeping children healthy and combating childhood obesity — it also helps improve cognitive skills.

Is recess a right or a privilege?

It is not a reward. Children should not have to earn recess, and they should not miss recess as a punishment. Because recess is such a vital part of students’ development, taking it away from children makes as much sense as taking away math, reading, or spelling.

What are the disadvantages of recess?

What are the disadvantages of recess?

  • Legal liability pushes schools against the recess debate because of children getting hurt on equipment or equipment not meeting certain standards and upkeep.
  • Danger of sexual predators or strangers.
  • Bullying can thrive on playgrounds.
  • Recess takes up valuable instructional time.

What is a reason kids should have recess?

Pediatrics Exercise Science. 2003. 9) Recess contributes to the recommended 60 minutes per day of physical activity for children, which helps in reducing sedentary behaviors with TV, computers, and video games. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

How long should recess last?

It typically occurs once or twice in the day, often just before or after lunch. The length of recess is rarely mandated at the state level. In some schools, it’s as short as 15 minutes, in others it lasts up to 45 minutes . Some schools have eliminated it altogether.

Why is recess so important?

Recess provides children with the opportunity to exert energy in a healthy way. And because recess is a break from the structure and expectations of school, children have the chance to take control of their world, even if only for a short time.

Is play a privilege or a right?

Although the United States remains one of the only countries which has not ratified the United Nations Rights of the Child (United Nations, 1989), Article 31 declares that play is the right of all chil- dren. Not a privilege, but a right.

Is there recess in middle school or high school?

In fact, younger students (preschoolers and kindergarteners, in particular) are often given more than one recess period in a day. By contrast, recess is extremely rare in middle schools (grades 6-8), and nearly nonexistent in high schools (grades 9-12). In education, there are myriad pedagogical approaches, philosophies, curricula, and programs.

Why do teachers think recess is a waste of time?

When educators are facing pay cuts, loss of funding to their school and perhaps even the loss of their jobs, it’s no wonder they started questioning if recess was a waste of time. This pressure to cram even more learning into the school day is especially felt by underperforming, low-income schools that are already strapped for funding.

Why do some schools withhold recess from children?

Experimental studies and anecdotal evidence point out that in any given school, it’s generally the same children who tend to have their recess withheld, indicating that the threat is ineffective.

What do you need to know about structured recess?

Structured recess is a recess based on structured play, during which games and physical activities are taught and led by a trained adult (teachers, school staff, or volunteers). Proponents for structured recess note that children often need help in developing games and require suggestions and encouragement to participate in physical activities.