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How do ozone molecules form in the stratosphere quizlet?

How do ozone molecules form in the stratosphere quizlet?

How is ozone formed in the stratosphere? UV radiation splits an oxygen (O2) molecule into two atomic oxygen (O) molecules which can combine with other oxygen (O2) molecules to form ozone (O3).

In which layers of the atmosphere does temperature increase with increasing height quizlet?

Stratosphere – temperature increases with increasing height. This layer contains most of Earth’s protective ozone layer. Mesosphere – temperature decreases with increasing height and contains the coldest temperatures in the atmosphere.

Why do seasonal changes occur quizlet?

Why do seasonal changes occur? Seasonal changes occur because Earth’s position relative to the sun continually changes as it travels around its orbit. A molecule of oxygen containing three oxygen atoms. The lowermost layer of the atmosphere, characterized by a decrease in temperature with height.

How are heat and temperature related quizlet?

they are related because heat is the transfer of energy due to differences in temperature. Temperature is the measure of average kinetic energy of an atom or molecule in a substance. the measure of average kinetic energy of an atom or molecule inside an object.

Which ocean current is the only one to completely circle Earth?

The Antarctic Circumpolar Current is the only ocean current to circle the planet and the largest wind-driven current on Earth. It’s also 30% more powerful than scientists realized.

How is the atmosphere affected by radiation?

Atmospheric radiation is critically important to understand because it affects both weather (for example, heating of the land surface by sunlight drives the formation of convective clouds) and climate (for example, long term changes in the amount of radiation reflected or absorbed by aerosols, clouds, or gases may …

What height is the tropopause?

The tropopause occurs at approximately 20,000 feet over the poles and at approximately 60,000 feet above the equator. The International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) assumes that the average height of the tropopause is 36,000 feet.

What is the hottest layer of earth atmosphere?

The thermosphere
The thermosphere is often considered the “hot layer” because it contains the warmest temperatures in the atmosphere. Temperature increases with height until the estimated top of the thermosphere at 500 km. Temperatures can reach as high as 2000 K or 1727 ºC in this layer (Wallace and Hobbs 24).

What is the major cause of seasonal changes?

Seasons change because of the tilt of the Earth and the planet’s movement around the Sun. Did you know? It takes about 365.25 days for the Earth to orbit the Sun.

Why do seasonal changes occur?

Earth’s tilted axis causes the seasons. Throughout the year, different parts of Earth receive the Sun’s most direct rays. So, when the North Pole tilts toward the Sun, it’s summer in the Northern Hemisphere. And when the South Pole tilts toward the Sun, it’s winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

Are heat and temperature related?

Heat and temperature are a closely related topic, and as such, the difference between the two can be a bit confusing. The core difference is that heat deals with thermal energy, whereas temperature is more concerned with molecular kinetic energy.

Why does increasing temperature increase volume?

Even then, since we increase the temperature inside a material, the molecules’ kinetic energy increases and they start to vibrate more and move around further from each other, therefore accounting for an increase in volume.