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How do you write an arguable claim?

How do you write an arguable claim?

Start with a hook or attention getting sentence. Briefly summarize the texts • State your claim. Make sure you are restating the prompt. Include a topic sentence that restates your claim and your reason.

What is an example of a claim?

Claim means to take or assert ownership of something or to state something as true. An example of claim is to recover a lost jacket from the lost and found. An example of claim is to announce that a specific person was responsible for a specific mistake.

What are the three types of arguable claims?

Generally, there are three primary types of claims in an argument, also called persuasive claims: Claims of fact assert that something is true or not true. Claims of value assert that something is good or bad, or more or less desirable. Claims of policy assert that one course of action is superior to another.

What is an arguable thesis?

Assertive. An argumentative thesis takes a position, asserting the writer’s stance. Questions, vague statements, or quotations from others are not argumentative theses because they do not assert the writer’s viewpoint.

What should a claim include?

✓ A claim defines your paper‟s goals, direction, scope, and exigence and is supported by evidence, quotations, argumentation, expert opinion, statistics, and telling details. ✓ A claim must be argumentative. When you make a claim, you are arguing for a certain interpretation or understanding of your subject.

How do I write a claim?

A claim must be arguable but stated as a fact. It must be debatable with inquiry and evidence; it is not a personal opinion or feeling. A claim defines your writing’s goals, direction, and scope. A good claim is specific and asserts a focused argument.

Which is the best example of a claim?

Claims are, essentially, the evidence that writers or speakers use to prove their point. Examples of Claim: A teenager who wants a new cellular phone makes the following claims: Every other girl in her school has a cell phone.

What does a good claim look like?

What are the 4 types of claims?

There are four common claims that can be made: definitional, factual, policy, and value.

Does a thesis have to be arguable?

A thesis statement is not a statement of fact. Your readers—especially your instructors—want to read writing that engages them. Consequently, you must write thesis statements that are arguable, not factual.

What is an argumentative thesis example?

Most people would agree that junk food is bad for your health. Because junk food is bad for your health, the size of sodas offered at fast-food restaurants should be regulated by the federal government is a debatable thesis. Reasonable people could agree or disagree with the statement.

What makes a claim effective?

A “claim” (also known as a “thesis statement” or “argument”) is the central idea of your paragraph or essay and should appear in the first sentence. AVOID GENERALIZATIONS, CLICHÉS, QUESTIONS, OR “STATING THE OBVIOUS”: Wishy-washy openings are the hallmark of an under-confident writer.

What does it mean to make a claim during an argument?

Claim Definition. A statement essentially arguable, but used as a primary point to support or prove an argument is called a claim. If somebody gives an argument to support his position, it is called “making a claim.” Different reasons are usually presented to prove why a certain point should be accepted as logical.

What are the types of claims in an argument?

Generally speaking, there are three primary types of claims in an argument, also called persuasive claims: Claims of fact assert that something is true or not true. Claims of value assert that something is good or bad, or more or less desirable. Claims of policy assert that one course of action is superior to another.

What is the difference between an argument and a claim?

As nouns the difference between claim and argument is that claim is a demand of ownership made for something (eg claim ownership, claim victory) while argument is a fact or statement used to support a proposition; a reason.

What is an example of an argumentative claim?

It is what the argumentative text is trying to prove. The claim takes a position on an issue. An example of a claim would be “Students should be given a study hall period during the school day, even if it means reducing the regular class times.”.