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How does Odysseus prove his identity to Penelope?

How does Odysseus prove his identity to Penelope?

When Odysseus returns, Penelope doesn’t recognize him and cannot be sure that Odysseus is really who he says he is. She tests Odysseus by ordering her servant Eurycleia to move their marriage bed. His anger, and the fact that he knows the story of the bed, proves his identity.

How does Odysseus respond to the challenge of Broadsea?

How does Odysseus respond to the challenge of Broadsea? What Odyssean qualities shine through in this episode of athletic competition? Odysseus rises to the challenge, after scolding Broadsea for being rude, he impresses them with his physical strength.

What does Odysseus do to prove himself?

Summary: Book 21 Meanwhile, Odysseus follows Eumaeus and Philoetius outside. He assures himself of their loyalty and then reveals his identity to them by means of the scar on his foot. He promises to treat them as Telemachus’s brothers if they fight by his side against the suitors.

Who was Broadsea in the Odyssey?

Broadsea, a young athlete, insults him, which pricks Odysseus’ pride into action. Odysseus easily wins the discus throw event and challenges the Phaeacian athletes to any other competition. The situation turns ugly but Alcinous diffuses it by insisting that Odysseus join them in another feast.

Does Odysseus cheat on Penelope?

When Odysseus left Ithaca for the Trojan war he was married to Penelope. After that Odysseus traveled to Calypso’s island. Not only did he cheat with Calypso in addition to Circe, but he stayed on her island for seven years until Zeus ordered her to release him.

What is Penelope compared to in the final lines?

Penelope is being compared to an island which shipwrecked sailors finally find: “…his dear wife, clear and faithful, in his arms, longed for as the sun-warmed earth is longed for by a swimmer spent in rough water where his ship went down under Poseidon’s blows…” (B. 23, lns. 83-87).

Why did Poseidon not like Odysseus?

Mainly, Poseidon hates Odysseus for blinding Polyphemus, who is Poseidon’s son. Other reasons include their support for opposing sides in the Trojan war, Poseidon siding with the Trojans and Odysseus with the Greeks.

Why does Menelaus accept Helen?

Why does Menelaus still value and accept Helen, even though her elopement with Paris led to the Trojan War? She is still very beautiful; he also blames the gods for her actions and not her.

Why is Odysseus not a hero?

Odysseus, the crafty ruler of Ithaca is not a hero because of his lack of many important heroic qualities. Odysseus is not a hero based on the standards of merciful, selfless, and gentle. His actions against Polyphemus, the Suitors, and his men truly show that he is in fact the opposite of a hero.

What did the gods deny Penelope and Odysseus?

If she had known the Achaeans would bring her back to her own country she would not have left in the first place. What did the gods deny Odysseus and Penelope? Life together in their prime and flowering years. They could not cross into age together.

Who is the most heroic character in the Odyssey?

The protagonist of The Odyssey. Odysseus fought among the other Greek heroes at Troy and now struggles to return to his kingdom in Ithaca. Odysseus is the husband of Queen Penelope and the father of Prince Telemachus. Though a strong and courageous warrior, he is most renowned for his cunning.

Who did Penelope cheat on Odysseus with?

After that Odysseus traveled to Calypso’s island. Not only did he cheat with Calypso in addition to Circe, but he stayed on her island for seven years until Zeus ordered her to release him.

How did Odysseus show his physical and mental strength?

Odysseus did not only have mental strength but physical strength as well. When his men were tied at the bottom of the ship, he was the last one to hold on until he was able to escape. 6. Nobility Odysseus also showed that he was a man of sublime character by treating all his men equal even if he had a higher than some of them.

Why did Broadsea insult Odysseus in the Odyssey?

Inexperienced in life’s hardships, the youths act rashly, as when Broadsea insults Odysseus, to attempt to demonstrate their manhood.

Why was Odysseus able to steer a boat by himself?

He was able to steer a boat all by himself while passing the raging sea, caused by Poseidon. Odysseus did not only have mental strength but physical strength as well. When his men were tied at the bottom of the ship, he was the last one to hold on until he was able to escape.

Why did Odysseus refuse to participate in the Odyssey?

Broadsea, another champion, taunts Odysseus, claiming that he must not be skilled in athletics. This angers Odysseus, and he agrees to compete in the games. Odysseus initially refuses to join the games out of prudence, since his strength and skill might give away his identity.