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What are the factors affecting Industrialisation?

What are the factors affecting Industrialisation?

Factors that influence industrialization include natural resources, capital, workers, technology, consumers, transportation systems, and a cooperative government.

What are the factors inhibiting Industrialisation?

Industrialization in India: Problems and Obstacles

  • Poor Capital Formation:
  • Political Factors:
  • Lack of Infrastructural Facilities:
  • Poor Performance of the Agricultural Sector:
  • Gaps between Targets and Achievements:
  • Dearth of Skilled and Efficient Personnel:
  • Elite Oriented Consumption:
  • Concentration of Wealth:

What are the factors preventing industrialization in Africa?

partly because technology is reducing the demand for low-skilled workers.” Another reason, says the magazine, is that weak infrastructure—lack of electricity, poor roads and congested ports—drives up the cost of moving raw materials and shipping out finished goods.

What are the 7 factors of industrialization?

Terms in this set (7)

  • Natural resources. Become goods, Raw materials.
  • Capital. needed to pay for the production of goods, Stable currency.
  • Labor supply. Used to make goods, High birth rate.
  • Technology. Better ways to make more and better goods, Electricity = more production power.
  • Consumers.
  • Transportation.
  • Government support.

What are the 6 factors of industrialization?

Terms in this set (6)

  • 1st factor. better transportaton.
  • 2nd factor. stable govt.
  • 3rd factor. stable economy.
  • 4th factor. human resources.
  • 5th factor. natural resources.
  • 6th factor. new technology.

What are the important factors of industry?

Following are the important geographical factors influencing the location of industries.

  • Raw Materials: ADVERTISEMENTS:
  • Power: Regular supply of power is a pre-requisite for the localisation of industries.
  • Labour:
  • Transport:
  • Market:
  • Water:
  • Site:
  • Climate:

What are the problems of industrialization in Africa?

Underdevelopment of the middle class, low savings, high criminality, corruption, high levels of debt, lack of capital and skills are problems that hinder the process of industrialization in Africa.

What are the three factors of industrialization?

Characteristics of industrialization include economic growth, the more efficient division of labor, and the use of technological innovation to solve problems as opposed to dependency on conditions outside of human control.

What are the five causes of industrialization?

Terms in this set (5)

  • civil war. encouraged production and expansion of railroads.
  • natural resources. abundant amounts, oil, fueled growth.
  • growing workforce. immigrants came willing to work.
  • technology/innovation. new business practices encouraged growth.
  • government policies. encouraged investment in businesses and technology.

What is the process of industrialization?

Industrialization is the process by which an economy is transformed from a primarily agricultural one to one based on the manufacturing of goods. Individual manual labor is often replaced by mechanized mass production, and craftsmen are replaced by assembly lines.

What are the 4 industries?

There are four types of industry. These are primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary.

What are the important factors in industry analysis?

An industry analysis consists of three major elements: the underlying forces at work in the industry; the overall attractiveness of the industry; and the critical factors that determine a company’s success within the industry.