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What country is 10s and 50w?

What country is 10s and 50w?

What place is 10 S 50 W?

Name : 10s and 50w
Country : World
State : Caldas
District : Lanark County
Locality : Manizales

What country is 33 N 35 E?

Around the world

Co-ordinates Country, territory or sea Notes
33°0′N 35°5′E Israel Passing through Nahariya
33°0′N 35°38′E Golan Heights Territory controlled by Israel, claimed by Syria – passing through the northern edge of Katzrin
33°0′N 35°52′E UNDOF buffer zone About 500 m (1,640 ft)
33°0′N 35°53′E Syria

What country lies at 35n 100w?

What country lies at 35n 100w?

Latitude/longitude Country % Correct
80 N, 20 E Norway (Svalbard) 55.7%
60 N, 140 W United States 55.4%
60 N, 120 W Canada 54.7%
60 N, 100 W Canada 54.4%

What country is 20 degrees north and 65 degrees west?

The country that is located at 65 degrees North latitude and 20 degrees West longitude is Iceland. The country that is located at 65 degrees North latitude and 20 degrees West longitude is Iceland.

What country is 20 N and 80 E?

Geography > Geographic coordinates: Countries Compared

India 20 00 N, 77 00 E
Indian Ocean 20 00 S, 80 00 E
Indonesia 5 00 S, 120 00 E
Iran 32 00 N, 53 00 E

What country is at 0 80w?

Can you name the countries in which are located the points whose latitude and longitude are given?

Latitude/longitude Country % Correct
0 N/S, 80 W Ecuador 27.2%
0 N/S, 60 W Brazil 26.8%
20 N, 0 W/E Mali 26.2%
20 N, 20 E Chad 25.9%

What is the nearest city in 36 N 140 E?

If you look world map you can see this is city of Tokyo in Japan.

What country is at 35 N 127 E?

South Korea Latitude and Longitude Map

Locations Latitude Longitude
Kimch’on 36°11’N 128°04’E
Kimje 35°48’N 126°45’E
Kochang 35°41’N 127°55’E
Konglu 36°30’N 127°00’E

What country is 0 n s 40 e?

Can you name the countries in which are located the points whose latitude and longitude are given?

Latitude/longitude Country % Correct
0 N/S, 40 E Kenya 22%
0 N/S, 120 E Indonesia 22%
20 S, 140 E Australia 22%
0 N/S, 20 E Democratic Republic of the Congo 19.8%

What continent is at 30 S 150 E?

If you look on a globe there are only 2 confluence points plotted on the Australian continent, this point 30°S 120°E, and 30°S 150°E which is situated in New South Wales, so it was fitting that it ended up being quite a worthy challenge to get there.

What country is 35 degrees north latitude and 44 degrees east longitude?

Countries, Capitals, Latitude and Longitude Table

Country Capital Latitude
Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran 35°44’N
Iraq Baghdad 33°20’N
Ireland Dublin 53°21’N
Israel Jerusalem 31°47’N

What country is 25 N 51 E?

Around the world

Co-ordinates Country, territory or sea Notes
25°0′N 50°38′E Persian Gulf Gulf of Bahrain
25°0′N 50°48′E Qatar
25°0′N 51°38′E Persian Gulf
25°0′N 55°3′E United Arab Emirates