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What did other European rulers fear about the French Revolution?

What did other European rulers fear about the French Revolution?

Other European rulers were upset and disturbed by the spread of the revolution in France because they worried that the revolution ideas would spread to rebellious groups and people within their own countries. Therefore, countries like Prussia and Austria brought in troops to try and restore order for Louis XIV.

How did European monarchs feel about the French Revolution?

8. How did European monarchs and nobles feel about the French Revolution? They opposed it because they feared the revolution would spread.

What happened after the French Revolution?

After the French Revolution ended, a new government was set up called the Directory, a committee that consisted of five men. It soon became clear, however, that the Directory was completely unable to deal with France’s many problems, and so it was always in imminent danger of being overthrown.

What was Europe’s reaction to the French Revolution?

Legislative Assembly & natural/civil rights. How did the rest of Europe react to the French Revolution? Increased border control, enlightened rulers turned against France, & the Legislative Assembly declared war on multiple states. devince used during reign of terror to execute by beheading.

Did the people of France support Napoleon?

The French people supported Napoleon Bonaparte because they hoped he would .

Why did European rulers opposed the French revolution?

Why did European rulers and nobles denounce the French Revolution? because they feared the spreading of the French Revolution to their country.) because the war abroad was not going well so the revolutionaries started killing everyone in France that seemed opposed to the revolution.)

Why did European monarchs fear the French Revolution?

What Did European Monarchs Fear From France? European Monarchs Worried That Peasant Revolts Similar To The Ones In France Could Break Out In Their Own Countries. The National Convention Was Created, France Became A Republic, And Men Gained The Right To Vote. January 1793: Ex-King Louis XVI Is Executed.

What was the impact of the French Revolution?

The Revolution led to the establishment of a democratic government for the first time in Europe. Feudalism as an institution was buried by the Revolution, and the Church and the clergy were brought under State control. It led to the eventual rise of Napoleon Bonaparte as the Emperor of France.

What is the impact of the French Revolution to the world?

French Revolution affected the government system around the world and its traces were found in all subsequent revolutions around the world. Within France, it ended the monarchy and led to the creation of the French Republic. Feudal systems were abolished all over Europe.

Why did the French accept Napoleon?

Why did the French accept Napoleon as Emperor? The French people were willing to accept an Emperor after the overthrow of their king because they loved the fact that he did not lead by divine right but because he earned it and was basically a normal person.

Why was the monarchy abolished in France in 1789?

In 1789, food shortages and economic crises led to the outbreak of the French Revolution. King Louis and his queen, Mary-Antoinette, were imprisoned in August 1792, and in September the monarchy was abolished. Soon after, evidence of Louis’ counterrevolutionary intrigues with foreign nations was discovered,…

How did Europe react to the French Revolution?

Again, this peace would not last, but the next set of wars would be Europe’s response to Napoleon Bonaparte rather than to the French Revolution, which the new consul had effectively ended. Europe’s first attitude toward the French Revolution was one of waiting, watching and warning.

Why did France declare war on Austria in 1792?

Now France had reason to be nervous. Government leaders did not want to wait and see what Europe would do. They decided to be proactive, and they declared war on Austria on April 20, 1792. This declaration opened up the proverbial can of worms and led to over two decades of war.

Who was the king of France in 1789?

Louis ascended to the French throne in 1774 and from the start was unsuited to deal with the severe financial problems that he inherited from his predecessors. In 1789, food shortages and economic crises led to the outbreak of the French Revolution. King Louis and his queen, Mary-Antoinette,…