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What does the COBE satellite detect?

What does the COBE satellite detect?

The COsmic Background Explorer (COBE) was a NASA space mission designed to test the Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe by measuring the spectrum the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) and mapping its distribution across the sky, and to search for the infrared and submillimeter background light, the …

What does CMB tell us about the Big Bang?

The Big Bang theory predicts that the early universe was a very hot place and that as it expands, the gas within it cools. Thus the universe should be filled with radiation that is literally the remnant heat left over from the Big Bang, called the “cosmic microwave background”, or CMB.

What did COBE measure?

Cosmic background explorer (COBE) mission. The Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite carries three instruments to measure the diffuse infrared and microwave background radiation from the early universe, along with more recent diffuse sources.

Why did NASA launch the COBE mission?

The COBE satellite was developed by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center to measure the diffuse infrared and microwave radiation from the early universe to the limits set by our astrophysical environment.

What does Cobe mean in English?

Cosmic Background Explorer
Abbreviation of Cosmic Background Explorer.

What is the meaning of COBE?

The Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE /ˈkoʊbi/), also referred to as Explorer 66, was a satellite dedicated to cosmology, which operated from 1989 to 1993.

Why can we still see the CMB?

The reason the CMB is still around is because the Big Bang, which itself came about at the end of inflation, happened over an incredibly large region of space, a region that’s at least as large as where we observe the CMB to still be.

Who created Cobe?

In the 1980s Smoot and Mather helped develop the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Launched in 1989, the satellite measured the cosmic microwave background radiation formed during the early phases of creation of the universe.

What does WMAP stand for?

The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) is a NASA Explorer mission that launched June 2001 to make fundamental measurements of cosmology — the study of the properties of our universe as a whole.

What does the word Cobb mean?

cobb (plural cobbs) A sea-cob or gull. A pier made from cobblestones. A hand-basket, especially made from wicker. A building material consisting of clay, sand, straw, water, and earth, similar to adobe.

What does Cote stand for?


Acronym Definition
COTE Care of the Elderly (health)
COTE Committee on the Environment (American Institute of Architect)
COTE Children on the Edge
COTE Council on Teacher Education

What cob means?

close of business
COB is an acronym that stands for “close of business” that professional organizations use when referring to the end of the business day. Many professionals base COB hours on times that businesses traditionally close in the United States, which is typically 5 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST).

What was the purpose of the COBE satellite?

Alternative Title: COBE. Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE), U.S. satellite placed in Earth orbit in 1989 to map the “smoothness” of the cosmic background radiation field and, by extension, to confirm the validity of the big bang theory of the origin of the universe.

What does COBE have to do with the Big Bang?

COBE detected the background microwave radiation of the universe. These are microwaves dated way far back possibly into the beginning of the universe. COBE observes, records and relays this information to us giving more details about the origins of the universe. WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH THE BIG BANG?

How did the COBE mission change our understanding of the universe?

COBE revolutionized our understanding of the early cosmos. It precisely measured and mapped the oldest light in the universe — the cosmic microwave background. The cosmic microwave background spectrum was measured with a precision of 0.005%. The results confirmed the Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe.

What are the remnants of the Big Bang?

C.O.B.E, which is a satellite which stands for Cosmic Background Explorer, records the background microwave radiation. Scientists believe that this background radiation are the remnants of the big bang. COBE detected the background microwave radiation of the universe.