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What happened after Ancient Greece?

What happened after Ancient Greece?

Like all civilizations, however, Ancient Greece eventually fell into decline and was conquered by the Romans, a new and rising world power. Years of internal wars weakened the once powerful Greek city-states of Sparta, Athens, Thebes, and Corinth.

What came after ancient Greek?

Once again, the ancient Greek culture survived. In fact, it expanded – as the Romans expanded into Europe, they brought with them the Greek culture, which by then they claimed was the Roman culture. Alexander spread the Greek culture around the Mediterranean, and the Romans spread the Greek culture into Europe.

What came after the classical period in Ancient Greece?

The history of Ancient Greece can be divided up into different periods. The three main periods we will cover here are the Archaic Period, the Classical Period, and the Hellenistic Period. During the Archaic Period the Greek government began to form with the rise of the city-states such as Athens and Sparta.

Why is ancient Greece so important?

The Greeks made important contributions to philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. The Greeks were known for their sophisticated sculpture and architecture. Greek culture influenced the Roman Empire and many other civilizations, and it continues to influence modern cultures today.

What is the time period of ancient Greece?

The term Ancient, or Archaic, Greece refers to the years 700-480 B.C., not the Classical Age (480-323 B.C.) known for its art, architecture and philosophy.

What was the time period of ancient Greece?

Greece – The Classical Period (500-336 BC) From the Persian Wars to the conquests of Philip II of Macedonia The Classical Period of ancient Greece was a time when the Greeks achieved new heights in art, architecture, theater, and philosophy. Democracy in Athens was refined under the leadership of Pericles.

What did ancient Greece do during the Dark Age?

Between the palatial urban civilizations of the Mycenaean period and the Dark Age, there may have been environmental disasters in Greece, as well as elsewhere in the Mediterranean world. The end of the Mycenaean period/Dark Age is characterized by geometric design on pottery and the emergence of Greek alphabetic writing .

What was the outcome of the Persian invasion of Greece?

Ten years later, a second invasion was launched by Darius’ son Xerxes. The city-states of northern and central Greece submitted to the Persian forces without resistance, but a coalition of 31 Greek city states, including Athens and Sparta, determined to resist the Persian invaders.

What was the end of the Mycenaean period?

The end of the Mycenaean period/Dark Age is characterized by geometric design on pottery and the emergence of Greek alphabetic writing . Large late Geometric Attic amphora, c. 725 B.C. – 700 B.C., at the Louvre.