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What is a 3 amp plug used for?

What is a 3 amp plug used for?

A common UK plug is generally fitted with a 3A or 13A fuse. Plugs for appliances rated up to about 700 watts should have a 3-amp fuse (coloured red). For example: 3A Fuse – Table lamp, standard lamp, television, video, computer, mixer, blender, fridge, freezer, power drill, jig saw, soldering iron.

Can you put a 3 amp fuse in a 13amp plug?

Yes of course there is. The cable or flex attached to the gas fire is purely to supply the ignition. The flex provided is not rated to 13A because the ignition requires very little current and so the flex requires protection by a 3A fuse.

Can I use a 3 amp fuse instead of a 2 amp?

3 Amp should be okay. The main purpose of the fuse is to prevent burning wires. Radio Shack has the fuse in a higher voltage rating, but it won’t cause a problem.

Can I use a 3 amp fuse instead of a 5 amp?

You should always use a fuse of the correct rating for every appliance. It is not necessarily dangerous to use a fuse of too LOW a rating, (3amp instead of 5amp etc) but it will probably blow, either immediately or in a short time.

How many watts can a 5 amp fuse take?

Fuse ratings

45 AMP For circuits of more than 13kw (13000 w)
13 AMP For appliances between 700 and 3000w (3kw)
5 AMP For lighting circuits. The maximum permissible load of a lighting circuit is 1200w or 12* 100 watt lamps
3 AMP For appliances up to 700 watts, such as table lamps and alarm clocks

How many amps does a fridge freezer use UK?

Ratings of commonly used household appliances

Domestic Portable Appliance Amps Used Watts Used
Fridge 0.65 150
Freezer 0.86 200
Mini Fridge <0.5 100
Fridge Freezer 1.5 350

Can I use 13A fuse for 3A?

The plugs are marked as such because they can handle a maximum of 13A of current. It is a mistake for people to assume that a 13A fuse should be used in this appliance. The 13A fuse is on the plug. The power rating is so low that we can quickly see that the fuse is too high and needs to be changed to a 3A one.

What happens if you put a lower amp fuse?

Do not use a fuse with a lower rating– don’t put a 20 amp fues in a 30 amp circuit–because it probably will blow prematurely. Conversely replacing a 20-amp fuse with one rated at 30 amps is dangerous because it may not blow soon enough and damage an electrical component or start a wiring fire.

Can I use a 2 amp fuse instead of a 2.5 amp?

As long as it is the same size, (physical) and the total amp draw is under 2, yes…

Can I use a 10 amp fuse instead of a 3 amp?

Yes, you can, but you have to ask yourself why the 3 amp fuse blew in the first place. Or it might be that something in the circuit is failing and replacing the fuse with a larger one will only lead to more damage. …

How many Watts can a 10 amp fuse handle?

1200 Watts
10 Amps x 120 Volts = 1200 Watts.

Can I use a 5 amp fuse instead of a 10 amp?

Possibly yes. It is possible to short out a circuit by overdrawing more than 5 Amp by removing the 5 Amp fuse and putting in a 10 Amp fuse.

Can a 3 amp plug be replaced with a 2 amp fuse?

So, if a plug comes with a 3 amp fuse you replace it with 3 amp fuse. As far as I know there has not been a spate of equipment suddenly blowing and I would not allow people to uprate fuses if that was the case.

How many watts can a 13 amp socket take?

Q: How many watts can a 13 amp socket take? A: Plugging in 4 items such as a TV, DVD player, Sky Box and games console to an extension, would amount to just over 750 watts = 3 Amps. It is important to never overload a plug socket, which is 3000 watts = 13 Amps. Some appliances use more than others.

How many amps does it take to overload a plug socket?

A: Plugging in 4 items such as a TV, DVD player, Sky Box and games console to an extension , would amount to just over 750 watts = 3 Amps. It is important to never overload a plug socket, which is 3000 watts = 13 Amps.

Can a overloading electrical socket cause a fire?

Overloading electrical sockets can cause plugs to overheat and result in fire. What is the 13 amp rule? Taking a few seconds to read these guidelines & check your fire alarm could save not only your own life, but that of your families too.