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What is the English translation of stanza?

What is the English translation of stanza?

Stanza is first recorded in English at the end of the 16th century, borrowed from Italian. A stanza is a well-defined group of several lines of poetry having a fixed length, meter, or rhyme scheme; the scheme is usually repeated.

What is Esclavas?

esclava Noun. esclava, la ~ (f) (sierva) bondwoman, the ~ Noun. slave, the ~ Noun.

What is the English word for Mora?

feminine noun. (Economics, Law) delay.

What does stanza mean in Greek?

-stat- comes from Latin or Greek, where it has the meaning “stand; remain. ” This meaning is found in such words as: instate, interstate, misstate, overstate, reinstate, rheostat, state, static, station, statistics, statue, status, statute, statutory, thermostat, understate.

What is the English translation of the Italian word stanza answers?

The Italian word stanza (pronounced: STANT-sah) has two meanings. In everyday language, it translates as ‘room’ but, as in English, this term may be…

Does Esclava mean bracelet?

It’s a tradition to give one to your child at birth in our family. …

What is an Esclava bracelet?

“Esclava,” meaning “slave,” is also a common Spanish term used to describe a particular style of bracelet. The phrase is not understood or accepted on any level in France as a fashion reference to bracelets.

Does mora mean blackberry?

A blackberry is a small dark purple fruit.

What does mora mean in Japanese?

unit of duration
The mora is generally defined. as a unit of duration in Japanese (Bloch 1950), where it is used to measure. the length of words and utterances.

What is the Greek name for Star?

Aster (Greek origin), this is the Greek word for ‘star’.

What is a STIT?

Acronym. Definition. STIT. Seeing to It That (logic)

What is the English translation of the word esclave?

‘esclave’ in Other Languages. British English: slave /sleɪv/ NOUN. A slave is a person who is owned by another person and has to work for that person without pay. They had to work as slaves. American English: slave. Arabic: عَبْد. Brazilian Portuguese: escravo.

Is the word Esclavo masculine or feminine in Spanish?

This means that the noun can be masculine or feminine, depending on the gender of person it refers to (e.g. el doctor, la doctora). La Proclamación de Emancipación liberó a todos los esclavos en los Estados Unidos.

Who are the slaves in Collins book esclave?

Collins! A slave is a person who is owned by another person and has to work for that person without pay. They had to work as slaves. tiens or tient? Which version is correct?