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What is the purpose of the conjunction because?

What is the purpose of the conjunction because?

Because is a subordinating conjunction, which means that it connects a subordinate clause to an independent clause; good style dictates that there should be no comma between these two clauses. An exception can and should be made when the lack of a comma would cause ambiguity.

Is conjunction a cause?

Conjunctions describing causes, reasons, results and purpose are subordinating conjunctions.

What are the 7 conjunctions?

The seven coordinating conjunctions are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.

Why is for a coordinating conjunction But because not?

He went to bed since he was tired, He went to bed, for he was tired. *For he was tired, he went to bed. And that is why for is called a coordinating conjunction, while because and since are called subordinating conjunctions.

What type of conjunction is as if?

There are two kinds of conjunctions, a primary class of COORDINATING conjunctions and a secondary class called SUBORDINATING or SUBORDINATE conjunctions….

after since when
but that though whether
if though which
in order that till while
lest unless who

What is conjunction example?

A conjunction is a word that joins words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. e.g., but, and, because, although, yet, since, unless, or, nor, while, where, etc. Examples.

What is conjunction of causes?

DEFINITIONS1. a way of writing ‘because’ that shows how it sounds in informal speech. We’re really good friends, ’cause we’ve known each other for years. Synonyms and related words.

What are the 10 conjunctions?

Subordinating Conjunctions

1. Because She usually eats at home, because she likes cooking.
3. Whereas She is very funny whereas he is boring.
4. But I am very hungry, but the fridge is empty.
5. Besides She speaks three languages besides Spanish.
6. Unlike Jack is completely unlike his father.

What are the 10 examples of conjunctions?

Examples of Conjunctions

  • I tried to hit the nail but hit my thumb instead.
  • I have two goldfish and a cat.
  • I’d like a bike for commuting to work.
  • You can have peach ice cream or a brownie sundae.
  • Neither the black dress northe gray one looks right on me.
  • My dad always worked hard so we could afford the things we wanted.

What are the 7 correlative conjunctions?

The correlative conjunctions are either…or, neither… nor, both…and, not only…but also, whether…or.

Which conjunctions are always together?

Correlative conjunctions, or paired conjunctions, are sets of conjunctions that are always used together. Like coordinating conjunctions, they join words, phrases, or independent clauses of similar or equal importance and structure. Unlike coordinating conjunctions, they can only join two elements together, no more.

What is conjunction give 5 examples?

Why is the word ” because ” not a conjunction?

Because: Why the word is not a conjunction, as dictionaries have it, but instead a preposition. Why Do Dictionaries Insist That Because Is a Conjunction? It Is Not. Disclaimer: Although Geoff Pullum literally wrote the book on English grammar, his views regarding the word “because” do not necessarily reflect those of @lexiconvalley.

How many conjunctions are there in a sentence?

Conjunctions are words that join two or more words, phrases, or clauses. 1. List of Coordinating Conjunctions Coordinating conjunctions join sentence elements that are the same. They can join words, phrases, and clauses. There are only seven of these, and they’re easy to memorize if you use the mnemonic device FANBOYS.

Which is the best description of a conjunction?

Subordinating conjunctions – Also known as subordinators, these conjunctions join dependent clauses to independent clauses. Coordinating conjunction – Also known as coordinators, these conjunctions coordinate or join two or more sentences, main clauses, words, or other parts of speech which are…

Where does the coordinating conjunction go in a sentence?

The coordinating conjunction goes on a dotted, vertical line between the things that it connects. The conjunction in this diagram is connecting two independent clauses. We call this type of sentence a compound sentence. 2. List of Subordinating Conjunctions