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What is the work of the Sun?

What is the work of the Sun?

In the core of the Sun, hydrogen turns into helium and causes a fusion – which moves to the surface of the Sun, escaping into space as electromagnetic radiation, a blinding light, and incredible levels of solar heat. …

Is the Sun in the core of the galaxy?

The sun is one of more than 100 billion stars in the Milky Way. It orbits some 25,000 light-years from the galactic core, completing a revolution once every 250 million years or so.

Why is the Sun important?

The sun has extremely important influences on our planet: It drives weather, ocean currents, seasons, and climate, and makes plant life possible through photosynthesis. Without the sun’s heat and light, life on Earth would not exist. The sun is about 150 million kilometers (93 million miles) from Earth.

What are three functions of the Sun?

It holds the solar system together; provides life-giving light, heat, and energy to Earth; and generates space weather.

What is the role of the Sun in the Solar System?

Our Sun is the gravitational ‘anchor’ that keeps planets, asteroids, comets, and so forth orbiting around it. It is near the center of the Solar system. It provides heat, light, cosmic particles, and so forth that foster life.

How is the Sun important to our galaxy?

An introduction to the Sun and its role in our galaxy. The Sun is fundamental to our life on Earth. It is a huge ball of very hot gas. At its centre the temperature is 15 million degrees centigrade.

How does the magnetic field of the Sun hold the Solar System together?

The Sun’s magnetic field spreads throughout the solar system via the solar wind. The Sun—the heart of our solar system—is a yellow dwarf star, a hot ball of glowing gases. Its gravity holds the solar system together, keeping everything from the biggest planets to the smallest particles of debris in its orbit.

Is the Sun at the heart of our Solar System?

The Sun at the heart of our solar system is a yellow dwarf star, a hot ball of glowing gases. Its gravity holds the solar system together.