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What was the lifespan of Franz Schubert?

What was the lifespan of Franz Schubert?

This large output is made all the more impressive by Schubert’s relatively short lifespan – he died aged 31 on November 19th 1828. During his short lifetime, his works saw relatively little public acclaim and popularity, save a small group of supporters in Vienna.

What did Schubert die of?

Franz Schubert/Cause of death
But no longer does it seem reasonable that a newish biography of Schubert should tiptoe around the probability that the composer was an enthusiastic homosexual or that his sexuality could have had something to do with his feverishly prolific output, his drastic swings of mood and his tragic death of syphilis at age 31.

How old was Franz Schubert upon his death?

31 years old
In October 1828 Franz Schubert developed typhoid fever as a resulting of drinking tainted water. He spent his last days in the company of his brother and several close friends. He died on November 19, 1828, in Vienna, Austria. He was 31 years old.

Was Schubert Austrian or German?

The Austrian composer Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828), the father of the German lied (song), was only 31 years old when he died. During his short life he wrote more than 1,000 pieces, among them 600 lieder, nine symphonies, 18 overtures, chamber music, 15 operettas and operas, six masses, and innumerable piano pieces.

How did Franz Schubert make a living?

Schubert worked as a schoolmaster for the next four years. But he also continued to compose music. In fact, between 1813 and 1815, Schubert proved to be a prolific songwriter. By 1814, the young composer had written a number of piano pieces, and had produced string quartets, a symphony, and a three-act opera.

Did Schubert study law?

6. A choice between law or music. As a 19-year old in Vienna, Schubert began both a law degree and composing his Symphony No. 5.

Did Schubert go insane?

For most of his adult life, Schubert suffered from cyclothymia, a mental illness that resulted in severe mood swings that fluctuated between hypomanic and depressive episodes. His condition became far more extreme during his mid-twenties, and his friends reported periods of dark despair and violent anger.

What Mozart died of?

December 5, 1791
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart/Date of death

Did Schubert go crazy?

When Schubert was offered a job as a music teacher by Count Esterhazy he quizlet?

1818, he was offered a job at the Esterhazy to teach the daughters.

What song did Schubert listen to before he died?

The last musical work he had wished to hear was Beethoven’s String Quartet No. 14 in C-sharp minor, Op. 131; Holz commented: “The King of Harmony has sent the King of Song a friendly bidding to the crossing”. Schubert died in Vienna, aged 31, on 19 November 1828, at the apartment of his brother Ferdinand.

What was the cause of death for Franz Schubert?

How did Franz Schubert die? In October 1828 Franz Schubert developed typhoid fever as a resulting of drinking tainted water. He spent his last days in the company of his brother and several close friends. He died on November 19, 1828, in Vienna, Austria.

When was the 100th anniversary of Franz Schubert’s birth?

In 1897, the 100th anniversary of Schubert’s birth was marked in the musical world by festivals and performances dedicated to his music. In Vienna, there were ten days of concerts, and the Emperor Franz Joseph gave a speech recognising Schubert as the creator of the art song, and one of Austria’s favourite sons.

Where was Franz Schubert born and where was he baptised?

Franz Peter Schubert was born in Himmelpfortgrund (now a part of Alsergrund), Vienna, Archduchy of Austria on 31 January 1797, and baptised in the Catholic Church the following day.

When did Franz Schubert start his music career?

In 1818, Schubert, who had not only found a welcome audience for his music but had grown tired of teaching, left education to pursue music full-time. His decision was sparked in part by the first public performance of one of his works, the “Italian Overture in C Major,” on March 1, 1818, in Vienna.